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Amber Stark

Thriving in the VUCA Era

Originally used in military settings, VUCA is now a trendy managerial acronym to describe the rapidly changing workplace: 

V = volatility 
U = uncertainty 
C = complexity (or chaos) 
A = ambiguity 

Recognizing VUCA environments can help employers and employees prepare for and manage uncertain situations. SIOP Fellow Shonna Water, co-chair of the 2024 SIOP Leading Edge Consortium, says it’s even possible to thrive in a VUCA environment.

The first step is understanding what VUCA is. 

V = volatility 
The V in VUCA stands for volatility, Waters says, or rapid, frequent changes in the business landscape. 

U = uncertainty 
The U in VUCA stands for uncertainty, and it is a VUCA hallmark, Waters added. Uncertainty goes beyond just “not knowing,” though; in this context, it refers to the availability of information to predict future outcomes. 

C = complexity (or chaos) 
The C in VUCA stands for complexity, with some people substituting chaos. “Complexity creates heightened anxiety,” Waters notes. Because this triggers the sympathetic nervous system of a fight-or-flight response, professionals may find that they operate in a high-adrenaline function (too) often. 

A = ambiguity 
The A in VUCA stands for ambiguity, which Waters further explains as a lack of clarity and potential for misinterpretation. 

“As a psychologist, I tend to be particularly interested in the psychological impacts of these modern complexities,” Waters says. Just as important, she helps professionals “adaptively construct work and develop individuals to better meet the demands.” 

Leaders’ jobs are increasingly difficult: “It’s harder to discern where the ball is going, and people’s energy and capacity to handle change are diminished.” 

If you struggle with this, the 2024 SIOP Leading Edge Consortium (LEC) can help by exploring how leadership is evolving in response to global trends and changes in the workforce. Speakers will offer tips for leaders to excel in VUCA environments, including how to shift into a parasympathetic state, Waters says. The parasympathetic state is less affected by the challenges of a VUCA environment and more adapted to “creativity, collaboration and handling complexity,” all highly regarded within organizations. 

Top experts and practitioners will leave LEC attendees equipped with actionable strategies to design and implement cutting-edge leadership development initiatives tailored to their organization's needs. Register today to gain invaluable insights into:

  1. What’s changed and what hasn’t in terms of what it means to be a leader
  2. New leadership success factors for the evolving world of work, such as the hybrid model and sociopolitical volatility
  3. How organizations are effectively developing leaders at scale
  4. Ways organizations are providing personalized development, including using coaching and technology
  5. Real-world case studies showcasing successful solutions and proven practitioner strategies
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