Meredith Turner / Saturday, October 1, 2016 / Categories: 542 New Expanded SIOP Conference Consortia: Creating Career Pipelines! On April 27, 2017, the SIOP Consortia Committee will introduce the newly developed Early Career Practitioner Consortium, expanding our pre-conference program offerings to four partially integrated consortia. An overarching goal of the consortia is to provide a socialization experience and networking opportunity to graduate students and early career professionals embarking on their career pathways. For 3 decades, consortia have offered such programming to graduate students (Master’s Consortium and Doctoral Consortium) and more recently extended the development pipeline to early career professionals pursuing academic careers (Junior Faculty Consortium). We are thrilled to further extend our programming to consultants and practitioners in the first 5 to 6 years of their career tracks. This four-part program provides a well-rounded, comprehensive career pipelines from graduate student training into early career transitions for I-O psychologists at different career stages and in both applied and academic professions. Consortium participants gain the benefit of information exchange and networking with others within the same career track AND similar stage of career. This partially integrated program allows participants to select track options among open-sessions with broad appeal to a wide audience (e.g., “The Futurists View of I-O”) while still enjoying selective closed-sessions for consortium-specific programming (e.g., last year’s popular round table discussions with journal editors for Junior Faculty Consortium participants). These events will happen the day before the SIOP conference, so plan now if you are going to attend. Participants must register prior to the conference and a fee is associated with each consortium. Application to the Master’s Consortium and Doctoral Consortium is through nomination process. Nomination forms will be sent via e-mail in early fall to each program’s director. The early career programs (Early Career Practitioner Consortium and the Junior Faculty Consortium) do not require nominations. Applicants may indicate interest in these consortia when registering for the conference. Seating is limited across all consortia programs, so be sure to register early! Registration for all consortia will open in early fall. For more information about these programs, please contact the Consortia Committee members listed below. Tracey Rizzuto (, Consortia Chair Wendy Bedwell (, Consortia Chair-in-Training Adam Hilliard (, Masters Consortium Chair Joshua Fairchild (, Doctoral Consortium Chair Vince Conte (, Early Career Practitioner Consortium Chair Lily Cushenbery (, Junior Faculty Consortium Chair Print 1337 Rate this article: No rating Comments are only visible to subscribers.