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Jenny Baker

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Human Resource Management

Neurodiversity at Work:  Challenges and Opportunities for Human Resource Management

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Human Resource Management

Neurodiversity at Work:  Challenges and Opportunities for Human Resource Management

Guest Editors Sophie Hennekam (Audencia Business School, Nantes, France; shennekam@audencia.com)

Sabrina Volpone (Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado, USA; sabrina.volpone@colorado.edu)

Alison Pullen (Macquarie University Business School, Sydney, Australia; alison.pullen@mq.edu.au)  

Get full details at https://0-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.library.alliant.edu/pb-assets/assets/1099050X/HRM_CfP_Neurodiversity%20at%20Work-1665484904.pdf

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