Jenny Baker / Thursday, March 24, 2022 / Categories: 594 Announcing the 2022 Finalists for SIOP’s $100,000 Visionary Grant Adrienne Colella, Visionary Circle Steering Committee Chair One of the four projects described briefly here will soon win a $100,000 grant. Donors to the second cohort of the Foundation’s Visionary Circle are voting to select the winner, based on their readings of full proposals, budgets, staff bios, and viewings of brief video presentations. The finalists were selected by the Visionary Circle Steering Committee from a field of 23 Letters of Intent submitted by project directors last summer. Seven project directors were invited to submit full proposals. The four finalists were chosen because their projects exemplify being visionary, that is, looking to the future of work, bringing I-O psychology into another realm, asking new questions, and/or engaging with other disciplines. The projects also integrate the science and practice of I-O psychology, address problems critical to the future of work, have clear metrics for success, indicate how the project will change or advance praxis in I-O psychology, and have the potential for facilitating subsequent work and/or additional funding. Here in a randomly selected order are the project titles, key staff members, and abstracts of the four finalists in the second ever Visionary Grant competition. The winning proposal will be announced during the open-to-the-public online (Zoom or Whova) Seattle Conference Kick-Off Event, Tuesday, April 19, noon–1pm PDT/3–4pm EDT. We Are in This Together: When an AI Agent Becomes Your Teammate Submitted by: Eleni Georganta, Technical University of Munich Anna-Sophie Ulfert, Eindhoven University of Technology Myrthe Tielman, Delft University of Technology Shanee Honig, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Tal Oron Gilad, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Can human and artificial intelligence (AI) teammates ever trust each other? More importantly, what is the meaning of trust in teams consisting of human and AI teammates? Although human–AI teams reflect the future of organizations and trust is essential for effective teamwork and human–AI collaboration, these questions remain unanswered. To provide first insights into trust in human–AI teams, we adopt a multidisciplinary and multilevel approach and propose an initial theoretical framework and two experimental studies. Our goal is to investigate how interpersonal trust and team trust develop in human–AI teams. In two experiments, we will explore the impact of (a) AI teammates’ trustworthiness, (b) AI trustworthiness reactions, and (c) interpersonal relationships between human and AI teammates on interpersonal trust and team trust. Synthesizing the insights from our project with existing work from industrial and organizational psychology and computer science, we will then present a refined theoretical model of team trust in human–AI teams. Further, we will build a formalized computational framework and present practical guidelines for the design and implementation of trustworthy AI teammates. We hope that providing a theoretical foundation and a practical roadmap can act as a catalyst for further interdisciplinary work on human–AI teamwork. Is Seeing Believing? The Effects of Depersonalization on Team Diversity Outcomes Cynthia Maupin, Binghamton University Gouri Mohan, IESEG School of Management This research project introduces RAPID, an online onboarding tool that facilitates team interactions with varying degrees of depersonalization, in order to propel a paradigm shift in the way diversity is viewed and managed in organizations. We integrate innovations from technology-mediated communications, human factors, and organizational psychology to propose that teams that go through depersonalized initial interactions are able to bypass surface-level diversity challenges and capitalize on deep-level diversity gains more quickly and effectively. We develop, test, and validate onboarding of teams via RAPID in three successive stages and study its effects on team performance and team process trajectories over time. A Climate for Work Automation: Development and Validation of the Work Automation Inventory (WAI) Benjamin Schneider, University of Maryland John Boudreau, University of Southern California The research develops and validates the Work Automation Index (WAI), a new measure of the psychosocial climate in organizations as they adopt, implement, and use work automation. We also assess work automation engagement as an important correlate of work automation climate. These new measures fill a pivotal void for I-O researchers and practitioners: Researchers can extend work automation evidence and theory to incorporate climate and engagement. Practitioners gain a diagnostic tool to better incorporate human factors into their work helping companies with their work automation adoption, implementation, and use decisions. Inclusion Is What We Do: Validating a Behavioral Measure to Build an Employee-Personalized Inclusive Conversation (EPIC) Tool and Advance DEI Science and Practice Victoria Mattingly, Mattingly Solutions Kelsie Colley, Colorado State University Nicholas Salter, Hofstra University Setrice Grice, Mattingly Solutions Inclusion is an important top trend in today’s workplace, but there are a number of issues that make it difficult to measure scientifically as well as difficult to develop and promote in organizations. Our visionary project will develop the Employee-Personalized Inclusive Conversation (EPIC) tool, an empirically validated free and easy-to-use tool that organizations can use to promote inclusion in the workplace. Previous research on inclusion lacks construct clarity, so our project will begin by creating and validating a measure of inclusion. Our measure will be behavioral based so as to make it accessible and usable in applied settings. Finally, previous research on inclusion typically focuses on one person, but the EPIC tool will be dyadic in nature. We envision the EPIC tool as something leaders and followers can jointly use to create and strengthen inclusion in their organization. The EPIC tool will be housed on SIOP’s website in order to elevate SIOP as a leader of workplace inclusion science and practice, and it will produce a rich open-access database that can inform further diversity research. The future of work relies on employees of all backgrounds working together and feeling included, and the EPIC tool will help achieve this goal. The SIOP Foundation mission is to connect donors with I-O professionals to create smarter workplaces. We are grateful for the service of the Visionary Circle Steering Committee, Adrienne Colella (Chair), and Alex Alonso, Laura Koppes Bryan, Allan Church, Alexis Fink, Rick Jacobs, Juan Madera, Rafi Prager, and Jack Wiley. Join the third Visionary Circle cohort at The next Visionary Grant cycle will culminate at the 2024 SIOP Conference in Chicago. Milt Hakel, President, Rich Klimoski, Vice-President, Nancy Tippins, Secretary, Leaetta Hough, Treasurer, Adrienne Colella, Communications Officer, Mirian Graddick-Weir, Trustee, Bill Macey, Trustee, John C. Scott, Trustee, The SIOP Foundation 440 E Poe Rd Ste 101 Bowling Green, OH 43402-1355 419-353-0032 Fax: 419-352-2645 Email: Print 1546 Rate this article: No rating Comments are only visible to subscribers.