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Mark Peterson

Call for Papers: Counter-Insider Threat Research & Practice (CITRAP) peer-reviewed journal

The Threat Lab, operating under the Defense Personnel and Security Research Center, a division within the Office of People Analytics, is collecting original research papers and operationally relevant knowledge for the new Counter-Insider Threat Research & Practice (CITRAP) peer-reviewed journal.

Insider threat risk refers to the potential for a person who is trusted by an organization to intentionally or unintentionally act in a way that harms others, the organization, or its assets. Research to counter insider threats has traditionally focused on insiders’ misuse of technology, tools, and data, and on ways to leverage the same resources to detect and mitigate these incidents. Recently, however, there is interest in expanding the mission space to focus attention on prevention and ways to counter both malicious and accidental insider threat incidents through strategies that promote individual and organizational wellness, protection, and health.

The social and behavioral sciences (SBS) are well-suited to contribute to this emergent counter-insider threat mission space because of its comprehensive approach to understanding human behavior and the social and cultural context in which that behavior occurs. Therefore, in cooperation with the National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF) and the Department of Defense’s Counter-Insider Threat Program, The Threat Lab will launch a new online, unclassified peer-reviewed journal to promulgate evidence-based research within the broader counter-insider threat community.

The journal’s objectives are to: (a) champion the relevance and importance of multi-disciplinary SBS research to the counter-insider threat mission space; (b) communicate practical and theoretical advances concerning insider threat; and (c) improve the translation of SBS counter-insider threat research into evidence-based practice. To meet these objectives, the CITRAP journal will provide a unique blend of pioneering research and sound advice for practitioners.

The Call for Papers for the inaugural issue is open through December 31, 2021. For information visit: https://citrap.scholasticahq.com/

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