Jenny Baker / Friday, March 26, 2021 / Categories: 584 SIOP Needs You to Submit an Awards Nomination! Jeffrey M. Cucina, Awards Committee Chair Note: The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of U.S. Customs and Border Protection or the U.S. federal government. This past year, I had the honor of serving as the SIOP Awards Committee Chair alongside Associate Chair Joseph Allen and Chair-in-Training Jennifer Deal. The SIOP Awards Committee managed a robust awards program consisting of 31 different awards, grants, scholarships, and a graduate student fellowship.1 A total of $223,500 was available this awards cycle, and a large team of 31 Awards Subcommittee Chairs and 231 subcommittee members volunteered thousands of hours reviewing the 196 nominations we received and identifying the 42 winners as of press time.2 I encourage you to read more about this year’s winners’ accomplishments on the Award Winner section of the SIOP website). According to Koppes (2001), SIOP’s awards program can be traced to the creation of the James McKeen Cattell Award for Research Design in 1964, which was funded by a grant from the Cattell Foundation (Milt Hakel, personal communication, February 17, 2021).3 The creation of the S. Rains Wallace Dissertation Award followed in 1970 and continues to be awarded today, over 50 years later. The Distinguished Professional, Scientific, and Service Awards were established in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1996, the SIOP Foundation was established, and it facilitated the creation of additional awards. By the time I attended my first SIOP 20 years ago in 2001, there were only eight awards. Since that time, SIOP (with the help of the SIOP Foundation and many generous donors) has significantly expanded the awards program and has also added financial support for graduate students and researchers (through various grant programs). I feel lucky to be a member of an organization that provides so much support and recognition to its star members, students, and researchers. Although SIOP has an expansive awards program, this program’s success depends heavily on SIOP’s membership to nominate themselves and others for grants, student financial support, and awards. This is why I am asking you to consider submitting a nomination for the 2022 SIOP Awards cycle. Did you read a great journal article that was published in 2020? Then, please consider nominating it for the William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award. Do you know a colleague who is wrapping up an excellent applied project? Then, consider nominating them for the M. Scott Myers Award for Applied Research in the Workplace. Do you know a graduate student in need of funding? Then, encourage them to apply for one of SIOP’s scholarships or the Leslie W. Joyce and Paul W. Thayer Graduate Fellowship in I-O Psychology. Do you have a great research idea that needs some funding? Then, apply for one of SIOP’s research grants. Some of you might have previously submitted a nomination that was not selected as the winner. To win an award, a nomination has to be of excellent quality according to the criteria for the award and has to beat the competition for the award in a particular year. Sometimes a nomination is of excellent quality, and worthy of winning the award, but the competition exceeds it. Most awards only allow for one winner, even if there are multiple strong submissions. Other times, nominees gain additional experience after losing an award, raising them into the excellent category for that award in the future. Thus, if you have submitted a nonwinning nomination in the past, I would encourage you to consider resubmitting it in the future if you are still eligible for the award. Indeed, we have had several instances of non-winners being renominated in future years and then winning the award. Although I cannot guarantee that your nomination will win, I can assure you that the Awards Committee will give your nomination a fair and diligent review. When I first applied for an award, I imagined a smoke-filled room of leaders making deals and passing judgment. However, nothing could be farther from the truth at SIOP today. The Awards Committee uses a rigorous process for determining the winners. We first begin by determining if any of the potential subcommittee members have a conflict of interest with a nominee or nominator per the Conflict of Interest Policy for SIOP Awards, which SIOP members can view in the Awards Committee Operational Procedures on the Governance of the SIOP website. Any potential conflicts of interest are reviewed by the Awards Chair, associate chair, and chair-in-training, who come to consensus on whether an individual can serve as a reviewer. We enforce the policy strictly, and do not even allow individuals with a conflict of interest concerning one nomination to remain involved and review the other nominations. We use the conflict of interest process to maintain the integrity of the awards process and avoid creating awkward situations for reviewers. Next, at least three subcommittee members4 review the nomination packages and provide independent ratings of each submission’s quality. The criteria used in the rating process are identical to those on the call for proposals section of the awards portion of the SIOP website. The subcommittee chair then compiles the quantitative ratings and qualitative comments and leads the subcommittee through a consensus discussion to decide on a recommended winner. A report describing the process is then reviewed by the Awards Chair, associate chair, and chair-in-training to ensure that all of the required steps and policies were followed. Some awards are considered finalized at this point, but others go to the Executive Board for approval. The Executive Board also goes through a conflict of interest review, and only members without a conflict vote to approve a particular award. It is rare for an award recommendation to not be approved; I have not seen this happen during my 3-year tenure as the Awards Chair, associate chair, and chair-in-training. I hope that this year’s slate of award winners and my message here have inspired you to consider submitting a nomination for the 2022 SIOP Awards cycle. For more information, feel free to contact me or visit the awards section of the SIOP website, which contains nomination information for each award, a list of past winners, an interactive poster created by past Awards Chair Kristen Shockley to help you decide which award is best for you, and a video sponsored by the Women’s Inclusion Network that demystifies the process of winning an award. Notes 1 In addition, there are three conference-related awards for best presentations and a new Family Care Grant that are not managed by the Awards Committee. 2 The 2021 SIOP Anti-Racism Grant winners will be announced during the 2021 SIOP Conference after the deadline for this article. 3 This award was later renamed the Edwin E. Ghiselli Award for Research Design in 1984 when the Cattell Foundation’s grant expired. 4 Some awards require more than three reviewers, and sometimes additional subcommittee members will serve as reviewers depending on the number of nominations for a particular award. Reference Koppes, L. L. (2001). A brief history of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc.—a division of the APA. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Awards Available for the 2022 Cycle Applications and nominations open on April 1 at Deadline is June 30, 2021 Distinguished Awards Dunnette Prize Distinguished Professional Contributions Award Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Distinguished Service Contributions Award Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award—Practice Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award—Science Distinguished Teaching Contributions Award SIOP Humanitarian Award Achievement and Best Paper Awards S. Rains Wallace Dissertation Award William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award M. Scott Myers Award for Applied Research in the Workplace Raymond A. Katzell Award in I-O Psychology Joyce and Robert Hogan Award for Personality and Work Performance Wiley Award for Excellence in Survey Research Jeanneret Award for Excellence in the Study of Individual or Group Assessment Schmidt-Hunter Meta-Analysis Award NEW! Joel Lefkowitz Early Career Award for Humanistic Industrial-Organizational Psychology Research Grants SIOP Anti-Racism Grants Douglas W. Bray and Ann Howard Research Grant Small Grant Program SIOP International Research and Collaboration (IRC) Small Grant James L. Outtz Grant for Student Research on Diversity Hebl Grant for Reducing Gender Inequities in the Workplace NEW! Graen Grant for Student Research on Leaders and/or Teams Zedeck-Jacobs Adverse Impact Reduction Research Grant Fellowships and Scholarships Leslie W. Joyce and Paul W. Thayer Graduate Fellowship in I-O Psychology Lee Hakel Graduate Student Scholarship Mary L. Tenopyr Graduate Student Scholarship SIOP Graduate Student Scholarships George C. Thornton, III Graduate Scholarship Benjamin Schneider Scholarship Scholarship Conference Awards Best Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) Research Award SIOP Student Travel Award SIOP Best International Paper Robert J. Wherry Award for Best Paper at IOOB Conference John C. Flanagan Award for Best Student Presentation at the SIOP Conference SIOP 2021 Family Care Grant SIOP Foundation Visionary Award Human Resource Management Impact Awards Print 1864 Rate this article: 5.0 Comments are only visible to subscribers.