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Amber Stark

Request for an Organization to Participate in Research Study

Doctoral student James Larks, MBA, College of Doctoral Studies, University of Pheonix, is looking for a medium-sized organization using LMX theory to conduct a doctoral study on the Experiences of Demographically Diverse Mid-Level Managers in Leader-Member Exchanges. He needs 10-15 volunteers for an hour interview conducted via Zoom. If interested, please contact him at jlarks@email.phoenix.edu or (302) 824-9257.

Purpose of the Study 
This qualitative narrative inquiry is intended to explore the experiences of demographically diverse mid-level managers in leader-member exchanges and their impact on organizational outcomes. Many aspects contribute to an organization's overall performance that needs to be addressed and managed effectively to get the organization's maximum output. Several leadership styles are being used in different types of organizations for the management of human resources and the achievement of organizational goals. An essential, underestimated, and unappreciated concept is diversity, specifically, mid-level managers' experiences and how their respective experiences impact organizational outcomes. In the United States, the workforce is diversified with various characteristics, and there is a need to address this diversity through new and adaptive leadership styles and/or theories. The perceptions of diverse mid-level managers about leader-member exchanges and organizational outcomes are assumed to be helpful and significant in identifying influential factors that can affect the relationship between LMX and organizational outcomes. Furthermore, the personal narratives shared by the diverse mid-level managers will also provide an actual scenario being faced by the managers in handling the diversified workforce in an organization to achieve organizational goals. By adopting the LMX theory, organizations can get the maximum amount of output from the available resources. 

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