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Jenny Baker

Group & Organization Management Special Issue

Dynamic and Multi-Party Approaches to Workplace Mistreatment Research

Focus and Purpose

This Special Issue is meant to elicit novel approaches and evidence for understanding the broader context in mistreatment dynamics. Articles will be high-impact scholarly pieces that provide an integration of literatures, offer a research framework, and highlight new directions for future inquiry or yield concrete recommendations for practice. We invite empirical submissions that apply novel and rigorous methodologies. We will also consider theoretical contributions, reviews and meta-analyses. We encourage submissions focusing on the mistreatment process and the role of different actors within the emergence, maintenance, and dissolution of this process.


Deadlines, Submission, Review Processes

This call is open and competitive, and uses double-blind peer review. Papers must be based on original material not under consideration by any other journal. For papers based on data from which multiple papers have been generated, authors must submit a data transparency appendix. Consider depositing data associated with your submission into an online data repository such as the Open Science Framework and include a “data availability statement” on the titlepage.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by Guest Editors. Only papers that fit the scope of the Special Issue and the quality standards of Group & Organization Management will be sent for peer review. Guest Editors will select a number of papers to be included in the Special Issue, but other papers submitted may be recommended for publication in other issues of the journal. The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2021. Intended publication by February 2023. Submit online via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/GOM. Send submission or administrative questions to info@sagepub.com. Editors will be happy to discuss ideas, please contact Dr. Ivana Vranjes.


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