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APA Board of Directors Call For Nominations

Nominations are sought for three positions on the 2021 APA Board of Directors:

Two Members-at-Large (one of whom must be an early career psychologist) and one Public Member.

The term of service for all positions is January 1, 2021-December 31, 2023.  Newly elected Board members will also attend the Board meeting in early December 2020.

The Needs Assessment, Slating and Campaigns Committee (NASCC) aims to maintain a balanced Board of Directors that reflects the demographic and disciplinary diversity of the APA membership. NASCC conducted a comprehensive needs assessment that included a review of the composition of the 2020 Board of Directors as well as an assessment of the organizational priorities of APA.  Below, we provide lists of both general and specific qualities we are seeking in nominees:

Desired General Qualities for Nominees:

  • Ability to prioritize strategic thinking and to help align the activities of APA with the Strategic Plan (https://0-www-apa-org.library.alliant.edu/about/apa/strategic-plan/).
  • Ability to consider multiple viewpoints, be sensitive and tolerant of differing views and diverse constituencies, and work well with people individually and in a group.
  • Ability to make decisions based on available facts and evidence rather than opinion.
  • Strong motivation to serve APA and experience with non-profit governance.
  • Willingness to learn more about APA, prepare for and attend Board meetings, and take responsibility for assignments.
  • Honesty, personal integrity, and a strong sense of personal and professional ethics.  
  • Experience in organizational leadership in large, complex organizations.
  • Demonstrated experience with change and organizational transformation.
  • Augments diversity of perspectives on the board (e.g. geographic diversity, institution type, institution size, etc.).
  • Ability to deal with uncertainty.
  • Proven problem-solver.
  • Experience building strong partnerships with other organizations.
  • Experience with lobbying or advocacy.
  • Interdisciplinary experience; focus on the entire field of psychology.

Desired Specific Qualities for Member at Large Nominees:

In addition to the general qualities listed above, nominees are sought that have specific experience in one or more of the following:

  • Public health
  • Public interest
  • Psychological science and education
  • Research in applied settings
  • Publishing industry and science communication


The Board of Directors is responsible for exercising general supervision over the policies and affairs of APA and supervises the work of the Chief Executive Officer.

The Board typically attends at least ten in-person meetings per year.  This includes six regular Board meetings, two held in conjunction with the twice annual meetings of APA’s Council of Representatives.  Board members are members of Council and attend the February and August Council meetings. Board members also typically attend additional meetings, such as the Consolidated Board and Committee Meetings and Leadership Conferences, as well as serving as a liaison to other Boards and Committees

The Board generally holds bi-monthly calls and Board members are expected to regularly check email correspondence. The typical workload for the Board is considered to be fifteen to twenty hours per week and may be more counting travel dates and periods with exceptional organizational demands. At times the Board’s workload may be heavy, with considerable reading material, additional conference/video calls and significant email correspondence.

The APA Board also serves as the Board of Directors for APA’s 501(c)(6) companion organization, named APA Services, Inc. The purpose of APA Services, Inc., is to promote the mutual professional, scientific and training interests of psychologists including advancing psychology’s roles and interests in understanding behavior and advancing health, science, education and human welfare. The (c)(6) organization is able to support activities that APA cannot as a 501(c)(3), such as lobbying, political giving and advocacy. APA Services, Inc., advocates with legislators and other policy makers, the courts, health insurers and other purchasers of services, and helps members with their professional needs.


Honoraria for Board members are approved by the Finance Committee every three years.  The member-at large and public member positions on the Board currently have an annual honoraria of $15,000.

How to Apply

Individuals who self-nominate should provide the following materials:

  1. Brief statement of no more than 300 words detailing qualifications. Please feel free to include information on any professional or personal diversity you believe you would bring to the Board. Please specify the position for which the candidate is being nominated
  2. Current curriculum vitae

Individuals who are nominating someone else:

  1. Please send the full name, email address, and phone number for that individual.

Each member-at-large candidate must be a Member of the Association. Nominees’ materials will be reviewed by NASCC. Semi-finalists will be interviewed virtually by NASCC members. NASCC will develop slates of at least two candidates for each position. The Public Member will be appointed by the Board of Directors. The two Members-at-Large will be elected by the APA Membership this fall.

Nominations and supporting materials should be sent elections@apa.org, no later than Thursday, May 28, 2020.


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