Featured Articles

Game-based and Gamified Assessments: Advances at the Frontier of Psychometrics

International Journal of Selection and Assessment



Guest Editors

Richard N. Landers, University of Minnesota (rlanders@umn.edu)

Diana R. Sanchez, San Francisco State University (sanchezdianar@sfsu.edu)


October 5, 2020                      Initial submission deadline

December 7, 2020                   Initial reviews completed and revisions invited

February 22, 2021                   Revisions due

Mid-2021                                Anticipated publication window

Game-based assessment (GBA) and gamification of assessments have emerged as promising directions for applied measurement. Both merge the science of high-quality psychometric assessment with research from the interdisciplinary field of human-computer interaction and games research.

The gamification of assessment involves the redesign of existing assessments by adding game elements, whereas GBA promises fully formed start-to-finish assessment experiences in which a game is played and won or lost, and the scores produced by that game can be used meaningfully.  Relatively little research is available evaluating gamified assessment or GBA, particularly in applied contexts with rigorous methodology, thus the focus of the present CFP.

Example submission topics within this CFP include:

  • Validity evidence which includes evidence from:
    • the nomological net, such as patterns of convergent and discriminant relationships
    • response processes, such as think-alouds and user studies
    • internal structure, such as factor structure and reliability
    • test consequences, such as causal effects on employee performance and student achievement by implementation
  • Design and development of GBA or the gamification of assessment processes
  • Fairness and bias in gamified assessments and GBAs (e.g., adverse impact, legality)
  • Modern measurement methods applied to gamified assessments and GBAs (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing)
  • Practical issues (i.e., using assessments in authentic student, employee, or job applicant contexts)
  • Reactions to gamified assessments and GBAs

Direct questions to the guest editors. Please review the full call for papers here or contact the guest editors directly. <https://0-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.library.alliant.edu/pb-assets/assets/14682389/IJSA%20%20-%20GBA%20CFP%20-1586424538923.pdf>

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