Anonym / Thursday, February 13, 2020 / Categories: Items of Interest, Meetings 2020 Conference Theme Track The Who What Where Why and How of Diversity and Inclusion Thursday, April 23 | Lone Star Salon D Unless otherwise indicated, all Sessions are 80 minutes long WHAT Is Inclusion? Its Past, Present, and Future | 10:30 a.m. Laying the groundwork for the Theme Track, this session traces the history of the concept of inclusion and provides a platform for discussing the state of the construct today. First, we will review the origins of the concept in our field and provide various definitions that have been used to describe inclusion over the years. Next, we will leverage a multiple frame perspective (individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational) to expand on how inclusion has been and could be defined and measured, within and across levels. Finally, we will discuss the future of inclusion and the implications of its conceptualization for communities and society. Overall, this session will enable a deeper understanding of how to define, investigate, and measure inclusion at work. WHOSE Diversity Is Still Not Included? | 12:00 p.m. Diversity plus inclusion equals workplace development—at least according to the International Labor Organization and the United Nations. But whose diversity, and who is responsible for making inclusion happen? The ILO and UN tell us that two thirds of the world’s workforce don’t even have formal jobs—even though many are highly skilled and their work feeds global supply chains. This session brings together leading thinkers and practitioners in inclusive work and leadership. Their experiences on the ground, at the UN, and in virtual reality simulations of future work, are uniquely fit for purpose. After sharing these experiences, participants will leave with a fresh and wider perspective on making inclusion more inclusive. HOW to Foster Inclusion—Best Practices for People & Organizations | 1:30 p.m. Successfully fostering inclusion in diverse groups and organizations requires an understanding of the interpersonal behaviors, group and leadership practices, and organizational policies and strategies that are most likely to result in both individual experiences of inclusion and inclusive organizational cultures. This interactive session will engage participants in exploring their own experiences of inclusion and will feature expert panelists who will review best practices at multiple levels of analysis, as well as reflect on key themes that come up among the participants. WHY Should We Care? Making the Case for Inclusion | 3:30-4:20 p.m. Over the past several decades there has been a shift in both science and practice from focusing on diversity management exclusively to recognizing that diversity without inclusion is insufficient. Experts from academia and industry will discuss different perspectives on why scientists and practitioners should care about inclusion. This session will also include an interactive component that provides audience members with the opportunity to apply justifications for inclusion to hypothetical situations. Participants will leave with an understanding of not only how to make a case for inclusion that considers ethical, business, and scientific perspectives but also that leveraging all three perspectives is imperative. WHERE Are We Going? Future Directions in Diversity and Inclusion | 4:30 The world of work is dynamic—with demographic shifts and global forces of change, our very definitions of diversity and inclusion need to dynamically expand accordingly. This session is focused on the future. The primary segment will consist of short (3-5 minutes), impactful, image-based “visionary” presentations in a lightning round, to inspire and excite the audience about the future of inclusion. This round will be followed by interactive group activities to reflect on the role that SIOP and IO psychologists can play, to become more inclusive ourselves as well as lead inclusion-focused changes in the organizations we work with. The whole session is designed to spark new conversations, bring the future into sharper focus and together explore the question of “WHERE are we going with respect to inclusion?” Previous Article Top 10 Workplace Trends for 2020 Next Article Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy Request for Comment Print 3538 Rate this article: 3.5 Comments are only visible to subscribers.