Jenny Baker / Monday, September 30, 2019 / Categories: 572 An Excellent Time at APA 2019 and Reasons to Attend APA 2020 Clair Kueny, APA Program Chair 2019, & Malissa Clark, APA Program Chair 2020 The 127th Annual APA Convention wrapped up this past August and was filled with a number of great events, attendees, and surprises! Presenters at this year’s convention included Eden King, Jeff McHenry, Suzanne Bell, and two senior client partners at Korn Ferry (Tom McMullen and Andrés Tapia). All of these speakers drew a full audience of Division 14 members as well as members from other divisions (including Division 13: Society of Consulting Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology, and Division 35: Society of the Psychology of Women). Topics included bias in the workplace, leadership development, diversity and pay equity, and composing teams for space flight! We had a number of collaborative sessions, including some offering CE credit, that drew standing-room-only audiences. In particular, the session Creating a Culture of Gratitude in the Workplace—How Leaders Can Harness the Power of Thanks was presented in the last time slot on the last full day of the conference and was standing room only. It was clear that other division members increasingly see the value of attending Division 14 programming. One of the highlights of the conference was the Science at Sunset APA Poster competition. Division 14 was represented by the following posters: Rosario-Hernandez et al. (Member poster): “Workplace Bullying and Suicide Ideation: An Exploratory Study,” and Majumdar et al. (Student Member poster): “Development of a Comprehensive Cancer Care Center: An Assessment of Its Merger Process.” Impressively, the poster by Rosario-Hernandez et al. won best APA member poster—an award that was accompanied by a $2000 prize! ( We also had a fantastic reception at Roanoke Restaurant. Our reception was attended by SIOP past, current, and future presidents; APA council representatives; and I-O practitioners, academics, and students. A great time was had by all! It’s not too early to start thinking about next year’s convention in Washington DC. If you’ve never attended APA, please join us. Not only will you find great presentations from Division 14, but you will be able to attend exciting sessions across other divisions of APA. An added bonus: APA discounts registration fees for first-time attendees who are APA members. Importantly, next year’s APA president—Sandy Shullman (a Division 14 member)—is actively advancing applied psychology at the 2020 conference. This initiative has exciting implications for Division 14’s representation at the conference. There are two types of programming that you should consider (note the different deadlines): Collaborative Programs (collaborative with other divisions): A collaborative program pulls together multiple perspectives on a significant issue for psychologists and society at large, involves more than one core area of psychology (from the list of science, practice, education, and public interest), and reflects interdisciplinary and relevant aspects of diversity. The deadline for submitting collaborative programming is October 11. Collaborative proposals should be 1- or 2-hour session proposals that highlight collaborative ideas and integrative approaches; must have at least two participants and a chairperson (individual presentations [paper/poster] will not be considered); are encouraged to incorporate innovative presentation formats; include participants across all career stages, settings, and fields; and integrate psychological science and practice. Collaborative proposals are evaluated on the following criteria: broad appeal, importance of work, current and timely topic, originality and innovativeness, interactive/creative format, scientific/empirical base, and attention to diversity. Divisions you might want to consider collaborating with include Div 1: Society for General Psychology Div 2: Society for the Teaching of Psychology Div 5: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Div 8: Society for Personality and Social Psychology Div 9: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Div 10: Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts Div 13: Society of Consulting Psychology Div 18: Psychologists in Public Service Div 19: Society for Military Psychology Div 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology Div 23: Society for Consumer Psychology Div 27: Society for Community Research and Action Div 35: Society for the Psychology of Women Div 38: Society for Health Psychology Div 41: American Psychology-Law Society Div 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race Div 47: Society for Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology And many more! Check out the listing of divisions here: Traditional Programming: Submissions You can also submit your work the traditional way: as a poster, presentation, or symposium, through the open call, due December 2. How to Submit: Submissions for all types of programs will be received through the official APA convention website ( Remember that collaborative proposals are due October 11. Other program submissions are due December 2. More information about submission requirements can be found on the APA website at Print 1882 Rate this article: No rating Comments are only visible to subscribers.