Meredith Turner / Saturday, July 1, 2017 / Categories: 551 Frank Landy SIOP 5K Fun Run Results Paul Sackett A sunny but humid day greeted a record-setting 146 participants as they gathered just outside the conference hotel for the 25th running of the Frank Landy SIOP 5K Fun Run. The course was a scenic tour of the Disney property. A misplaced course turnaround produced a course of 2.8 miles, rather than the promised 3.1, resulting in many runners being pleasantly surprised at their quick finishing time. Nonethless, a good time was had by all. Top finishers are listed below. Join us next year in Chicago! Top 10 Men Top 10 Women Name Place Time Name Place Time Dylan Sorman 1 16:16.1 Sarah Mulvey 1 17:29.0 Filip Lievens 2 16:18.5 Deborah Powell 2 17:54.8 Eric Day 3 16:42.8 Christine Nittrouer 3 17:56.1 Robbie Brusso 4 17:05.0 Alexandra Henderson 4 18:36.9 Tyler Slezak 5 17:20.3 Beth Anne Helgason 5 18:53.7 Aidan Johnson 6 17:23.5 Andrea Tocci 6 19:47.3 Patrick McCarthy 7 17:32.0 Jamie Donsbach 7 19:51.9 Miguel Quinones 8 17:35.0 Lauren Borden 8 19:53.6 Shea Fyffe 9 18:05.8 Colby Kennedy 9 20:57.9 Matthew Sloan 10 18:33.9 Erica Barto 10 21:14.7 Age Group Winners Men <30 Women <30 Dylan Sorman 16:16.1 Sarah Mulvey 17:29.0 Tyler Slezak 17:20.3 Alexandra Henderson 18:36.9 Shea Fyffe 18:05.8 Beth Anne Helgason 18:53.7 Men 30-39 Women 30-39 Robbie Brusso 17:05.0 Deborah Powell 17:54.8 Jason Randall 20:08.9 Christine Nittrouer 17:56.1 Andrei Ion 20:22.1 Jamie Donsbach 19:51.9 Men 40-49 Women 40-49 Filip Lievens 16:18.5 Jamie Donsbach 19:51.9 Eric Day 16:42.8 Liberty Munson 21:23.5 Miguel Quinones 17:35.0 Michelle (Mikki) Hebl 22:43.8 Men 50-59 Women 50-59 Patrick McCarthy 17:32.0 Marilyn Sharp 22:55.5 Douglas Reynolds 20:32.0 Jill Floyd 28:07.7 Kyle Lundby 21:31.6 Deborah Whetzel 34:20.8 Men 60-69 Women 60-69 Michael Pearn 23:59.6 Deborah Gebhardt 24:40.8 Paul Sackett 28:21.0 Pat Sackett 37:16.1 Men 70+ M. Peter Scontrino 28:52.3 Four-Person Teams Scientist/Practitioner Shaker Consulting 79:54 Filip Lievens/Herlinde Pieters 40:43 University of Minnesota 80:33 Kyle Morgan/Steven Toaddy 42:49 HumRRO 86:19 Jason Randall/Katherine O’Brien 49:55 Advisor/Advisee Nathan Kuncel/Casey Giordano 37.59 Charles Scherbaum/Elliot Larson 40:55 Clare Barratt/Alexandra Henderson 50:40 Gina Marie Ligon/Haley Shelton 61:20 Mixed Doubles Filip Lievens/Herlinde Pieters 40:43 Elliot Larson/Juliet Aiken 42:58 Tori Ellis/Terence Bostic 45:33 Gilad Chen/Ella Chen 49:54 Brian Payne/Stephanie Payne 52:27 Paul Sackett/Pat Sackett 65:37 Four-Person Teams Scientist/Practitioner Shaker Consulting 79:54 Filip Lievens/Herlinde Pieters 40:43 University of Minnesota 80:33 Kyle Morgan/Steven Toaddy 42:49 HumRRO 86:19 Jason Randall/Katherine O’Brien 49:55 Advisor/Advisee Nathan Kuncel/Casey Giordano 37.59 Charles Scherbaum/Elliot Larson 40:55 Clare Barratt/Alexandra Henderson 50:40 Gina Marie Ligon/Haley Shelton 61:20 Mixed Doubles Filip Lievens/Herlinde Pieters 40:43 Elliot Larson/Juliet Aiken 42:58 Tori Ellis/Terence Bostic 45:33 Gilad Chen/Ella Chen 49:54 Brian Payne/Stephanie Payne 52:27 Paul Sackett/Pat Sackett 65:37 Print 1665 Rate this article: No rating Comments are only visible to subscribers.