Meredith Turner / Saturday, July 1, 2017 / Categories: 551 Announcing the Corporate Social Responsibility and Prosocial/Humanitarian I-O Registry! SIOP-United Nations Committee To complement and further enhance SIOP’s prosocial agenda and, more generally, to increase the visibility and impact of I-O psychology, we are happy to announce the launch of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Prosocial/Humanitarian I-O Registry. This searchable database will allow for identification of SIOP members with (a) expertise in specific IO-related CSR/HWP/prosocial content areas and (b) experiences with and interests in related activities (e.g., preparing statements to the UN, interacting with the media, responding to project solicitations). It provides an easily searchable website that allows SIOP members, members of the media, organizations, policymakers, and other relevant parties to easily identify and contact individuals with knowledge, experience, and interest in issues related to the psychology of corporate social responsibility, prosocial, and humanitarian issues. The registry can be viewed here: SIOP members (including Associate and Retired members) wishing to join the registry can find instructions for doing so here: For the last several years, SIOP has put great effort into emphasizing the prosocial side of our field. This involves both science and practice that seeks to benefit others and/or society as a whole. It has included the efforts of the SIOP UN committee (, SIOP’s Veteran Transition Project, the Poverty Research Group, the Volunteer Program Assessment project, and many other individual projects led by SIOP members ( SIOP also partners in multiple ways with the Global Organisation for Humanitarian Work Psychology ( in fulfilling their mission to bring together I-O and other areas of psychology with deliberate and organized efforts to enhance human welfare. For the first time, SIOP has recently been successful in obtaining federal funding for facilitating its prosocial mission. This has culminated in a National Science Foundation grant (funded by the Science of Organizations program) focused on the psychology of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This grant funded the Corporate Social Responsibility Summit, a SIOP preconference at the Hilton Anaheim (April 12-13, 2016, aimed at uncovering new directions for psychological research and practice on corporate social responsibility and catalyzing new collaborative multidisciplinary projects. A follow-up event took place at SIOP 2017 in Orlando. A registry of those with experience and expertise in corporate social responsibility was proposed as an outcome of the summit grant. The purpose is both for experts to find each other (for work on new collaborative projects) but also for the media and organizations to identify individuals with such expertise. A secondary purpose of the registry is to serve as tool for prosocial-oriented SIOP committees (e.g., the SIOP UN Committee, the Prosocial I-O subcommittee, etc.) to identify experts when preparing statements and issuing project calls. We encourage those who have interest and/or do work within these areas to join the registry and help us spread the word about this exciting new initiative. For more information contact Deborah Rupp ( Print 1519 Rate this article: No rating Comments are only visible to subscribers.