Meredith Turner / Thursday, June 28, 2018 / Categories: 561 Top 5 Reasons to Come to This Year’s APA Convention: August 9–12 in San Francisco C. Allen Gorman, 2018 APA Program Chair Registration for this year’s APA convention is now open! Here are just a few of the many reasons that you should attend: 1. Phenomenal Invited Speakers and Outstanding Invited Symposia Cristina Banks: How to Increase Wellness Program Adoption and Employee Participation Using Principles of Psychology Georgia Chao, Gary Latham, Stephen Stark, Jeff McHenry: What’s Happening at APA and SI-OP? Q&A With Division 14/SIOP Council Representatives David Morgan: Find, Grow, Keep---A Crash Course in Applied People Analytics Fred Oswald: The Identity and Impact of SIOP: A Reliability and Validity Approach David Peterson: The Future of Executive Coaching: Faster, Better, Transformational Roni Reiter-Palmon: Using I-O Psychology to Improve Patient Safety 2. Thought-Provoking Plenary Sessions and Collaborative Programming from Inside and Outside I-O: Nathan Ainspan: Serving Those Who Served Us: Gaining Employment at the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs• Sharon Berry: The State of the Psychology Training Pipeline and Workforce Chester Hanvey: Employment Practices in the Tech Industry---Opportunities and Risks Sally Harvey: Developing Specialty Practice Guidelines: The Case for Operational Psychology; the Many Faces of Operational Psychology Rodney Lowman: Virtual Psychological Consulting: Ethics, Guidelines, and Best Practices; Psy-chological Consultation in South Africa: Integrating Country Context, History, and Culture Michelle Perfect: Mentoring Across Developmental Levels and Contexts to Underrepresented Trainees and Professionals Mark Whitmore: Representation of Women in High-Tech---Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework Gone Wrong? And more! See 3. Over 60 competitive posters and talks from SIOP members, on topics ranging from leadership to motivation to employee well-being… plus hundreds of papers on measurement, group dynamics, personality, and more from other APA divisions! 4. A social event on Thursday, August 9 (time and place TBD)—mingle with old colleagues and meet new ones in a low-key setting. Division 14 has on average 100 attendees each year. 5. The city of San Francisco! Be sure to register by June 30 to take advantage of the early bird registration rate! It’s also not too early to start thinking about next year’s convention in Chicago! How about putting together a collaborative program? A collaborative program pulls together multiple perspectives on a significant issue for psychologists and society at large, involves more than one core area of psychology (i.e., science, practice, education, public interest), and reflects interdisciplinary and relevant aspects of diversity. The deadline for submitting collaborative programming is October 12. Collaborative proposals: should be 1- or 2-hour session proposals that highlight collaborative ideas and integrative ap-proaches;• must have at least two participants and a chairperson (individual presentations (paper/poster) will not be considered); encouraged that are incorporate innovative presentation formats; include participants across all career stages, settings, and fields; and integrate psychological science and practice Collaborative proposals are evaluated on the following criteria: broad appeal, importance of work, cur-rent and timely topic, originality and innovativeness, interactive/creative format, scientifical-ly/empirically based, and attention to diversity. Divisions you might want to consider collaborating with include: • Div 1: Society for General Psychology • Div 2: Society for the Teaching of Psychology • Div 5: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods • Div 8: Society for Personality and Social Psychology • Div 9: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues • Div 13: Society of Consulting Psychology • Div 18: Psychologists in Public Service • Div 19: Society for Military Psychology • Div 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology • Div 35: Society for the Psychology of Women • Div 38: Society for Health Psychology • Div 41: American Psychology-Law Society • Div 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race • And many more! Check out the listing of divisions here: If you are interested in putting together a collaborative proposal, we can help you find collaborators! Please contact me ( or the 2019 Program Chair, Clair Reynolds Kueny ( Welcome to the team, Clair! Submissions for all types of programs (collaborative proposals: due October 12; other program submis-sions: due December 1) will be received through the official APA Convention website ( See you in San Francisco! Print 2791 Rate this article: No rating Comments are only visible to subscribers.