Participate in a Survey of Scientific Opinion About Open Science
Our research team (Lillian Eby, Tammy Allen, Fred Oswald, and Katherine Facteau) is inviting you to take part in a research study aimed at understanding current knowledge and perceptions about open science. To be eligible to participate you must be currently employed and have an advanced degree in I-O psychology, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management or an allied field, or be enrolled in a doctoral program in one of these areas.
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey that will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Ten Amazon gift certificates of $100 each will be given to 10 randomly selected individuals who clicked on the link in the recruitment email and provided their contact information. Your chance of winning the raffle will not be affected by your decision to participate in the survey and your survey responses will not be linked to the research survey. As noted in the recruitment email, individuals can enter the raffle regardless of whether or not they choose to participate in the study and will have an equal chance of being randomly selected.
We hope that you will participate in this important project and provide your scientific opinion about open science practices in our field.
Please share this survey request with others (e.g., colleagues, Ph.D. students) who meet the eligibility criteria noted above. Our goal is to obtain a wide representation of respondents to draw strong inferences regarding scientific opinions on open science.
Please click here or cut and paste this link ( into a web browser to get started. The survey closes in two weeks.