Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Mark Peterson

Call for Papers: Organizational Risk and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Submissions open: 1 November, 2021 

Submissions close: 1 February, 2022 

Risk refers to the threats, hazards, and dangers that organizations face, yet risk-taking also brings opportunities. Therefore, risk is inherent in organizational activity, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought the topic into sharp focus. In this special issue, we aim to bring together studies of risk as experienced by individuals and teams; as created and influenced by leaders; and, as reflected in organizational-level outcomes. 

Recent developments in the field have encompassed interpretive approaches to understanding the lived experiences of those affected by risk, assessments of dispositions and attitudes towards risk as well as the conditions under which people are willing to accept risk, and connected risk-related behaviour to models of work and organization. 

Examinations of leaders and culture are contributing to an enhanced understanding of how organizational structures and processes both create and mitigate risk. Knowledge about the effects of the pandemic on individual, team and organizational risks is growing, yet nascent. Furthermore, the extent to which concepts used within organizational psychology to understand organizational risk can be adapted to explain and improve the management of the pandemic is unclear. With this special issue, we encourage submissions from a range of theoretical perspectives and the use of various methodologies that focus on one or more levels of analysis so that we continue to build our understanding of risk.  

Read the full call here: 

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