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Ariel Ellis

Researchers from the University of Iowa and Purdue University are looking to co-author with practitioners

Researchers from the University of Iowa (Emily Campion, Chad Van Iddekinge, Jennifer Nahrgang, and Jake Harrison) and Purdue University (Mike Campion) are looking to co-author with practitioners to better understand how recruiters and hiring officials view and evaluate candidates with side jobs, and also how the experience gained by holding more than one job at a time might influence job performance and turnover. There is evidence in the literature that this type of work arrangement signals highly motivated individuals and may provide more opportunities for skill development valuable to current and future employment. However, it is currently unclear whether these findings are generalizable, but also whether working side jobs is seen as a positive thing (e.g., they are highly motivated) or a bad thing (they are distracted and might not give full effort to their work). In our current research, we have preliminary evidence that hiring officials observe this type of work arrangement, and that doing more than a single traditional job may relate to candidate application scores. The type of archival data we are looking for includes applications and/or resumes, whether candidates were selected, total application scores, as well as other assessments such as interviews or tests. Additional on-the-job information such as job performance, turnover, and engagement would also be very valuable. Participation for practitioner co-authors would be low risk and low cost. Initial steps would just be archival data on applications/resumes and initial hiring decisions.


Relevant citations:

Campion, E. D., Caza, B. B., & Moss, S. E. (2020). Multiple jobholding: An integrative systematic review and future research agenda. Journal of Management, 46(1), 165-191.

Campion, E. D., & Csillag, B. (2022). Multiple jobholding motivations and experiences: A typology and latent profile analysis. Journal of applied psychology, 107(8), 1261.

Sessions, H., Nahrgang, J. D., Vaulont, M. J., Williams, R., & Bartels, A. L. (2021). Do the hustle! Empowerment from side-hustles and its effects on full-time work performance. Academy of Management Journal, 64(1), 235-264.

Sessions, H., Nahrgang, J. D., Baer, M. D., & Welsh, D. T. (2021). From zero to hero and back to zero: The consequences of status inconsistency between the work roles of multiple jobholders. Journal of Applied Psychology.

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