Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Amber Stark

Request for Published and Unpublished Studies on Team Viability

We are seeking published or unpublished studies for a meta-analysis on team viability. We are defining team viability broadly including measures of a team’s future sustainability and growth, or desire or capability to work together in the future (Bell & Marentette, 2011; Hackman 1987). We are also interested in other conceptualizations of team viability to ensure we have a complete and accurate picture of the state of research on this construct. We encourage you to send whatever you feel is relevant.

We are especially interested in unpublished manuscripts, dissertations, theses, conference papers, or raw data that concern team viability but may not appear in a journal search. We have conducted a thorough review of the literature, but please feel free to point us toward published work that meets the criteria to ensure it has been identified.

Please share working versions of papers or the following information to

  1. Full correlation matrix of all variables measured in the study
  2. Description of each measure for each variable included in the correlation matrix (e.g., reliabilities, rating sources, scale anchors; if possible, please provide the measure source or items)
  3. The sample size, number of teams, and description of the participants (e.g., gender, age, occupation) and research context (e.g., location, nationality, industry)
  4. Information that may be useful to include in our analysis.
  5. Preferred way for us to cite your work

We appreciate your consideration. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Deadline: August 6th. 

Bell, S. T., & Marentette, B. J. (2011). Team viability for long-term and ongoing organizational teams. Organizational Psychology Review, 1(4), 275–292.

Hackman, J. R. (1987). The design of work teams. In J. W. Lorsch (Ed.), Handbook of organizational behavior (pp. 315–342). Prentice Hall.

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