Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Mark Peterson

Call for unpublished daily diary studies assessing work engagement and/or burnout

Dear Colleagues,

Kimberley Breevaart, Despoina Xanthopoulou, Arnold Bakker, and me are currently working on a meta-analysis of daily diary studies assessing work engagement and/or burnout. We are interested in correlations with all other variables that were also assessed on a daily basis, and are therefore asking you to share unpublished data with us that meets the following criteria:

  1.   Work engagement and/or burnout (or one of their sub-dimensions, such as emotional exhaustion, were assessed in a daily diary study).
  2.   At least one other variable was measured in a daily diary study.
  3.   The sample included employed adults (18+) as participants.


Requested information:

  1.   The within-person correlation between work engagement/burnout and at least one other variable assessed on a daily basis along with the associated sample size.
  2.   The between-person correlation based on the same daily data averaged across days along with the associated sample size. Note that we are not interested in between-person correlations with variables only assessed once (i.e., variables assessed at baseline, such as age, gender, or personality traits).
  3.   Within- and between-person reliabilities for all daily variables.
  4.   The reference to be included in our reference list.


We are looking for unpublished manuscripts, dissertations, and work in progress or in press. If you do have relevant data, please share the requested information with us by sending an email to Jan Luca Pletzer ( by March 6, 2022. Thank you in advance!


Kind regards,
Jan Luca Pletzer

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