Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Mark Peterson

NSF Funding Opportunity: Build and Broaden 3.0

A funding opportunity within the National Science Foundation Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) that may be of interest to the researchers within the SIOP network.

Build and Broaden 3.0:

Build and Broaden 3.0 is designed to support fundamental research in the SBE sciences by scholars at minority-serving institutions (MSIs). Proposals are invited from single Principal Investigators based at MSIs and from multiple co-investigators from a group of MSIs. Principal Investigators who are not affiliated with MSIs may also submit proposals, but must collaborate with PIs, co-PIs, or Senior Personnel from MSIs and describe how their project will foster research partnerships or capacity-building with at least one MSI as a primary goal of the proposed work. Proposals may address any of the scientific areas supported by SBE. The full proposal deadline date is March 1, 2022 (Link to solicitation).

Stay tuned for updates to the Build and Broaden 3.0 program page, as FAQs and announcements about informational webinars for the program are forthcoming (Link to Build and Broaden program page).


Eligibility information:

The lead institution on a Build and Broaden 3.0 proposal may be any minority-serving institution or any non-MSI. However, NSF strongly encourages proposal submissions from lead institutions that have received fewer than $25,000,000 total in NSF awards within the previous five years, or fewer than $3,000,000 total in SBE awards within the previous five years. Institutions with NSF funding that exceeds these amounts are encouraged to collaborate with institutions that do meet these criteria.


NSF email updates:

Sign up for NSF email updates using the links below to learn about new funding opportunities, program webinars and other content for the research community:

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