Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Mark Peterson

Call for Papers: Psychology of Leaders and Leadership

APA Journals

Big news! Starting in 2022, The Psychologist-Manager Journal will have a new title: Psychology of Leaders and Leadership. An official publication of the Society of Psychologists in Leadership (SPL; formerly, SPIM), the journal will continue to explore how psychologists in leadership positions can use their expertise to help themselves and their organizations perform more effectively.

Psychology of Leaders and Leadership invites manuscripts on
•    leadership and management principles, including application of theories;
•    first-hand experiences that illustrate effective leadership techniques, difficult situations, and failures;
•    empirical research relevant to psychologists in leadership positions with clear practical implications;
•    and book reviews on related topics.

The link between research and practice remains a key to progress of individuals, organizations, and society. Featuring highly practical insights, this journal is a platform for applied research in leadership.

For more information on how to submit your manuscript, visit the journal’s webpage.

Learn more!

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