Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Mark Peterson

Expanded Focus for Occupational Safety and Health (Ex4OSH) 2021 Conference

The Ex4OSH 2021 conference (Dec. 9-11, 2021 in Houston) will bring together an international and interdisciplinary audience of employers, workers, health and safety professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the academic community to address the need for an expanded focus for occupational safety and health (OSH). This expanded focus has been made more acute by the accelerated pace of change brought about by the global pandemic. The conference will address three critical areas for the future of OSH: research, training, and policy. The challenges facing OSH will be explored. Recommendations to address these challenges will be developed.

Ex4OSH 2021 is a collaboration between Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (SWCOEH) Education and Research Center at UTHealth School of Public Health, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the Conference Planning and Scientific Committee. Our conference will bring together an international, interprofessional audience of employers, workers, health and safety professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the academic community to address the need for an expanded focus for OSH. Speakers include John Howard (Director, NIOSH), Laura Punnett (UMass Lowell), David Weil (Brandeis University), and others.

We invite SIOP members to submit an abstract by July 23, 2021. More information on Ex4OSH 2021 and the link for the call for abstracts can be found at:

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