Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Call for Proposals: U.S. Army War College Strategic Leader Development Forum

The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Vision and Guidance for Professional Military Education (PME) and Talent Management has challenged PME institutions to adapt and innovate the leader development enterprise. In an environment of uncertainty and disruptive change, the changing character of war requires greater mental agility, intellectual curiosity, and creative, critical, and strategic thinking. To accelerate the transformation directed by the JCS Vision, strategic leader development in PME can draw from advances in executive education in civilian settings, including leader assessments, executive coaching, experiential simulations, multimodal delivery, and emerging research. 

The US Army War College will host a two-day event on strategic leader development on 26-27 January 2022. Participants will have opportunities to learn from enterprise leaders as keynote speakers, share developmental methodologies, share and apply research, and participate in workshops to advance curriculum development. The event will take place in historic Carlisle, PA, with opportunities to explore the local area and nearby Gettysburg. A hybrid format will enable remote attendance for portions of the program.

This call for submissions invites proposals for two types of sessions: presentations and workshops. Presentations should provide insight from research on or current practices for leader development. Workshop proposals should identify a challenge for leader development relevant across military services or sectors and briefly describe how the workshop will structure and facilitate dialogue among attendees. Presentations or workshops may include but are not limited to the topics listed below.

  • Leader identity
  • Executive skills
  • Developmental assessments
  • Experiential learning
  • Classroom simulations
  • Ethics
  • Enterprise management
  • Leading diverse organizations
  • Top management teams/strategic teams
  • Joint leadership
  • Leading in multinational/multicultural settings
  • Executive coaching
  • Executive development programs

Proposals should indicate the session type (presentation or workshop) and include a title, presenter(s) contact information, preferred participation modality (remote or on-site), and an abstract of 200-250 words. Submissions are due on or before 31 August 2021. Submit proposals via email as a Word or .pdf document to Selected presenters will be notified by 30 September 2021.


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