Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

External organizations may use Calls and Announcements to share information relevant to SIOP membership (e.g., topics related to I-O psychology, HR, organizational development, workplace issues, etc.). Posts are free and limited to 300 words. They must be written by the requestor (SIOP cannot write these posts) and should include a title and a link for more information. Attachments are not supported. Each post must clearly identify the organization responsible for the information and include contact information, unless a link for more information has been provided.

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Barbara Ruland
/ Categories: Announcements, Advocacy

NSF Solicits Supplemental Funding Requests Through Career-Life Balance Initiative

Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC

The National Science Foundation (NSF) issued a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) requesting supplemental funding applications as part of its agency wide Career-Life Balance (CLB) initiative. The CLB initiative aims to prevent women from leaving the STEM talent pool due to a variety of reasons, including marriage, childbirth, and childcare obligations. Specifically, this DCL announces NSF’s interest in receiving CLB supplemental funding requests from researchers who have faced short-term increases in child and dependent care responsibilities, potentially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to continue NSF-supported research activities. CLB supplements to existing research awards may be requested to support additional personnel to continue research while a Principal Investigator (PI), co-PI, postdoctoral researcher, graduate student, or certain other researcher supported by the NSF award is on family leave for dependent care responsibilities or other direct family considerations. Up to six months of salary support for a maximum of $30,000 can be requested. Additional restrictions, details, and application information can be found at

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