Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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$100,000 for Your Project

Letters of Intent Due July 1, 2019

What would you do if you had $100,000 to shape the future of work?  

SIOP and the SIOP Foundation have launched a new $100,000 grant to support I-O research and practice addressing visionary opportunities in the world of work.

Nearly 100 people have become Visionary Circle donors in support of this exciting new venture. These Visionary Circle Donors, each of whom has donated at least $1,000, will ultimately select the winning proposal.  This year is the first cycle of what we expect to be an annual grant competition.

The $100,000 Visionary Grant offers funding to I-O professionals and colleagues, enabling them to conduct Visionary projects, meaning project looks to the future of work, brings I-O psychology into another realm, asks new questions, and/or engages with other disciplines to create something new in terms of I-O praxis – the synthesis of knowledge and application without privileging either.  (Note: The principal investigator must be a SIOP member.)

Submission Process

Winning this grant has three stages: 1. Submitting a letter of intent, 2. If invited, submitting a full proposal, and 3. If selected as a finalist, presenting the project plan very briefly during the 2020 SIOP Conference in Austin TX.

Stage 1: Letter of Intent is closing July 1, 2019, so don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to receive funding.

  • Briefly outline what you are planning to do, what resources you need, and why this work is Visionary, using the PDF form found on the website.
  • Include an acknowledgement that intellectual property resulting from the project will be owned by the SIOP Foundation and be available through a Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 license.  If the proposed project is funded from additional sources, then the letter of intent must specify expectations for final disposition and rights of any resulting intellectual property.
  • Letters of Intent must be submitted online by July 1, 2019 at, using an editable PDF form available there for your download and use.  Authors whose project descriptions best fulfill the criteria for this grant will be invited by August 1, 2019 to proceed to Stage 2.



Questions about the Visionary Circle and this grant competition should be emailed to  Answers will be posted at   

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