Thursday, April 18
8:00-8:50 a.m. Partner Showcase
Sponsor: Glider AI
“Unveiling the Human Impact of AI Recruitment: Insights from New Research”
While AI rapidly transforms recruitment, most organizations still need to embrace its full potential. Join our session as we explore the impact of AI on new hires and existing employees while considering the perspectives of hiring stakeholders. Glider AI presents initial findings from our enterprise research, delving into:
- Candidate Experience in the AI Age
- Revolutionizing Remote Hiring with AI-Proctoring
- The Future of Human-AI Collaboration
Beyond the presentation, we invite active participation! Let's discuss how I/O psychologists can influence the responsible use of AI in recruitment and harness its potential for a more efficient and effective hiring process.
Fred Rafilson, PhD
I-O Psychology Partner
Glider AI
9:00-10:10 a.m. Partner Showcase
Sponsor: SHL
“Practical Steps to De-Risk Talent Mobility”
Many organizations are turning their attention to talent mobility with the strategic goal of positively impacting engagement, retention, and diversity. While the potential gains are clear, we are still in the early stages of developing a set of agreed best practices. In this session, we will hear from two organizations who are on this journey. HB Fuller will share practical lessons learned as they have evolved the way they prepare talent to assume critical leader roles in the future. IBM will also share how they are taking targeted action to support what they call the “success assurance” of leaders who are assuming new step-up or lateral executive assignments – a step often overlooked by organizations.
Marlene Dunne, PhD
Expert Advisor
Adriana Harvey, MA I-O
Director of Leadership Development & Inclusion
Rebecca Layana, PHR,SHRM-CP
Director, Global Talent Programs
H.B. Fuller
10:30-11:20 a.m. Partner Showcase
Sponsor: CodeSignal
“Amplify Growth: Revolutionizing Learning and Development with AI”
With executives and high-potential leaders having privileged access, attempts to scale L&D for the broader workforce face significant challenges due to the costs associated with one-to-one coaching and in-depth development programs. This limitation hampers employee engagement, retention, and organizational agility while exacerbating disparities for underrepresented groups. This presentation delves into the essential elements of effective L&D, examining the current disparities in access across organizational levels. We explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a solution to this impasse, emphasizing the critical role of technical skills in addressing the evolving skills gap. Join us to explore how AI can unlock scalable L&D capabilities, fostering growth, engagement, and mobility within organizations.
Seterra Riggs Burleson, PhD
Talent Scientist
Adam Vassar, MS I-O
Director of Talent Science
1:00-1:50 p.m. Partner Showcase
Sponsor: Sigma Squared
“The Future of Talent Analytics”
With advancements in AI and machine learning, and a healthy dose of economics, companies can leverage real-time employee data to achieve data-driven talent optimization and fundamentally transform productivity. Join Dr. Roland G. Fryer, award-winning Harvard economist and founder of Sigma Squared, as he shares how analytics, informed by decades of proven social science, can help companies successfully navigate this transition by investing in robust data infrastructures, building a culture that embraces data-driven decision-making, and focusing on optimization (not benchmarking).
Roland Fryer, PhD
Economics Professor, Harvard
& Founder, Sigma Squared
2:00-3:10 p.m. Tech Demo
Sponsor: SHL
“Fueling Talent Mobility with Better Skills Data”
As many organizations consider how to get started with a skills-based talent strategy, they soon discover that the scope and required effort can be quite “immobilizing”. As organizations look to technology to support their enterprise-wide collection of skills information, they are doubling down on scale at the expense of rigor. This can have direct implications on the subjectivity and accuracy of the talent decisions that this skills information is fueling. In this session, we will showcase how organizations can leverage assessments to enhance the integrity of the skills data that they use to match talent to roles and business challenges.
Kristen Cooper, MA I-O
Head of Solutions Consulting, Americas
Marlene Dunne, PhD
Expert Advisor
4:00-4:50 p.m. Partner Showcase
Sponsor: Valence
“Leveraging AI Coaching For All with Experian, General Mills, & Schneider Electric ”
Generative AI has the potential to upend traditional one-size-fits-all leadership and learning approaches - and for some forward-thinking companies, it already has. No longer bound by trading personalization for scale, Valence’s new AI-powered Leadership Coach makes it easy to provide always-on, personalized, and actionable support to any leader or team. In this panel hear from Experian, General Mills, and Schneider Electric about what they’ve learned using AI in their work, and where they see AI technology supporting their talent and learning strategies in the future.
Richard Chambers, PhD
Director, Talent Management
General Mills
Parker Mitchell, PhD
Brad Haime, MA I-O
Global Head, Leadership Development and Careers
Carine Kauffmann
Leadership Development Director, Global
Schneider Electric
5:00-5:50 p.m. Partner Showcase
Sponsor: Worklytics
“The ONA Hype Cycle and Why This Time is Different”
Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) has experienced several waves of interest followed by skepticism, as use cases fail to deliver on promised value. In today's era of automated, augmented, and distributed work, its importance has resurged, proving critical for navigating workplace complexities. This talk will explore ONA's evolution and provide real-world examples of use cases that show why this time is different. We'll demonstrate how ONA, now more than ever, provides essential, enduring benefits in understanding and optimizing organizational dynamics.
Philip Arkcoll
Michael Arena, PhD
Dean, Biola University Crowell Business School; Chief Science Officer, Syndezo, and Co-founder of Connected Commons