Submission Requirements

2025 SIOP Annual Conference

Submission Guidelines

Because each of the three forums will be using different methods for presentation, the submission requirements vary slightly among them. Please review these carefully before going to the submission portal.


New Directions for DEI in the Workplace

Submission Requirements: In the submission portal you will be asked to provide:

  • Each attendee should come prepared with an impactful research idea, practitioner case study, preliminary research findings, completed research project, or other contribution for discussion. In 250 words or less, please explain your contribution to the session.
  • What DEI topics you are most interested in?


AI Applied to Selection

Submission Requirements: In the submission portal you will be asked:

  • Preference for presentation format: Poster, 5 minute mini-talk, 10 minute presentation
  • Abstract – to be posted to attendees
  • Attach an additional description of session – Max ~1000 words to be used by committee to review submissions. We expect these will be generally narrative descriptions, but tables or Powerpoint decks are allowed if that is the easiest way to present information to the committee. 


Thinking Big, Thinking Small: Pushing Occupational Health Psychology into the Micro and Macro

Submission Requirements: In the submission portal you will be asked to:

  • Upload a recently published or recently submitted paper that you are proposing to present.
  • Briefly describe the research journey (in 1-2 paragraphs or several bullets) that led to your paper that you propose to discuss during your presentation.