Partner Showcases and Tech Demos

2025 SIOP Annual Conference

Partner Showcases and Tech Demos

Timeslot selection is based on the date and time of purchase. First come, first served.

Please send the presentation title, brief description, and speaker names/job title/organization to Susan Rogers at by February 19, 2025, for inclusion in the Onsite Guide, onsite signage, and Whova.


CodeSignal Thought Leadership Showcase


In 2024, the average attendance to a partner showcase was 70. The average attendance for a tech demo was 44.

Partner Showcases

Price: $5,000

Share Your Knowledge.  Tell Your Story.  Position Your Organization as An Expert in Your Field.

Deliver an educational presentation on a topic that highlights your organization’s expertise!

This is not a commercial to sell your product or service, nor is it a product demo but a session identified to attendees as produced and presented by a partner that provides the same level of quality content as a regular concurrent session. Each showcase will be held in-person only at the same time as concurrent sessions and in a location convenient for attendees. These sessions are not recorded. Partners can hire the official 2024 AV provider to video record their own presentations for later use.

TED Commandment: "Thou shalt not sell from the stage: Neither thy company, thy goods, thy writings, nor thy desperate need for funding; least thou be cast aside into outer darkness."


Tech Demos

Price: $5,000

This is an opportunity to demonstrate your software in a no-pressure environment for the attendees.

Demonstrate your software, product, or service. The Tech Demos will be held in-person only at the same time as concurrent sessions in a location convenient for attendees. These sessions are not recorded. Partners can hire the official 2025 AV provider to video record their own presentations for later use.


Onsite Rules for both Partner Showcases & Tech Demos:

  1. SIOP cannot guarantee attendance to your demonstration. Partner is expected to actively promote their own topic, date, and time slot.
  2. Presenters may leave product/service flyers or branded brochures and business cards at the back of the room on a table for pick-up by attendees and will remove all marketing materials and business cards at the conclusion of their event.
  3. Presenters also may offer a designated place on the table for attendees to voluntarily leave a business card or a sign-up sheet to be contacted.
  4. The partner will not receive a list of the individuals in the room from SIOP.
  5. Presenters may not compel those attending their session to sign an attendance list or to share contact information.
  6. Contact between presenters and attendees must be voluntary and consensual.
  7. Partners may offer a drawing for a prize by providing a standard entry form to be completed by the attendee voluntarily.


Contact: Susan K. Rogers, CAE, SIOP Business Development Manager,