Leading Edge Consortium


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2024 SIOP Leading
Edge Consortium

Developing Leaders
in a Shifting World

October 24-25, 2024 | Minneapolis, MN


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2024 LEC Globe

Mark your calendar for October 24-25, 2024, and join us in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the Leading Edge Consortium, a premier event focused on "Developing Leaders in a Shifting World." This 2-day gathering brings together top experts and practitioners to explore how leadership is evolving in response to global trends and changes in the workforce.

Navigating Change
Leaders to Meet Shifting Demands

Gain invaluable insights into:

  1. What’s changed and what hasn’t in terms of what it means to be a leader
  2. New leadership success factors for the evolving world of work, such as the hybrid model and sociopolitical volatility
  3. How organizations are effectively developing leaders at scale
  4. Ways organizations are providing personalized development, including using coaching and technology
  5. Real-world case studies showcasing successful solutions and proven practitioner strategies
Be equipped with actionable strategies to design and implement cutting-edge leadership development initiatives tailored to your organization's needs


Rates and Registration

Register now for the 2024 SIOP Leading Edge Consortium to secure your spot now!

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 Minneapolis Marriott City Center


Hotel Information

The Minneapolis Marriott City Center is a centrally located hotel in downtown Minneapolis, offering modern amenities, comfortable accommodations, and excellent service. It features spacious rooms, a fitness center, on-site dining, and easy access to local attractions. The hotel also provides accessible rooms for guests with hearing and mobility needs.


Preconsortium Workshops

The Preconsortium Workshops at the 2024 SIOP Leading Edge Consortium offer intensive sessions designed to deepen participants' understanding of key leadership development topics. These workshops provide interactive learning experiences, allowing attendees to engage with experts, acquire practical skills, and explore innovative approaches to contemporary leadership challenges.

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Featured Articles

Amber Stark

Member Spotlight: Nhung Hendy

Nhung Hendy

Professor, Management department, Towson University

How long have you been a SIOP member?
27 years

What roles have you had within SIOP?
This is my second year as Chair of the Continuing Education Committee. I’ve also served as a member of various committees including the Institutional Research Committee and the Licensing, Certification, and Credentialing Committee.

Interest area(s)
My research interests span a wide range of topics but mostly focus on HR selection (e.g., applicant faking, attitude toward AI-enabled technologies in pre-hire assessment). Recently, I have shifted the focus of my research toward sustainability because I’m teaching a course on business ethics and sustainability.

What sparked your interest in I-O psychology?
Dr. Ken Carson at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga planted in me a seed of interest in personnel selection after taking a graduate course with him in my Master’s program in I-O psychology in 1996.

What role do you see I-O psychology playing in the future of work?
I see I-O psychology playing an important role in disseminating our research findings about the risks and benefits of technology (e.g., artificial intelligence or AI) in shaping our future workplace. We need to communicate better our findings to the public and help them be better informed consumers. In addition, I see I-O psychology as an important contributor to promote a sustained, inclusive, and productive workplace for all.

What work trends are you seeing and hearing about and how can I-O psychology practitioners, educators, and students impact these trends?
Given the current heat wave we are experiencing, I concur with the prediction that climate change protection will be a new employee benefit as stated in a recent Harvard Business Review article. I think I-O psychology practitioners, educators, and students can help impact this trend by conducting research and disseminating research to help change individual/group/societal behavior toward more responsible and sustainable activities to reverse this global warming trend.

What advice would you give to students or those early in their career?
Do not be afraid to say, “I don’t know, or I haven’t learned it yet.”

What is one of your favorite SIOP Annual Conference memories/highlights?
The Frank Landy 5K Fun Run is by far my most favorite SIOP annual conference highlight. The last fun run that I was able to participate was in Chicago in 2018 (because of my bad knee, I have not been able to run for the past 3 years). It was a memorable experience to run along the great Lake Michigan. I will not forget seeing others who are excellent researchers and fast runners at the same time (e.g., Filip Lievens). I hope SIOP will introduce a 1-mile walk in addition to the 5K run in future conferences as I would be the first to sign up.

Please share one non-I-O-related bit of information about yourself.
As a certified scuba diver, I enjoy exploring underwater life. I have seen how the marine life and habits negatively impacted by human activities and want to change that to help preserve marine life for our future generation.

Is there anything you would like to add?
It is an exciting time for I-O psychology as a field, and I am glad to be a part of this community.

If you would like to be considered for a Member Spotlight, please fill out this form.


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