Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Foundation > Awards > Conference Awards

SIOP Conference Related Awards

Best Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) Research Award

In recognition of the best paper or poster on a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender issue presented at the annual SIOP conference.

This annual award is given to the author(s) of a paper or poster accepted for presentation at the annual SIOP conference.  This award honors papers or posters that further the field’s understanding of LGBT issues within the workplace and represents theoretical and technical rigor. If a Symposium is selected for the award, only the chair/co-chairs shall be recognized.  

The recipient of the award receives a plaque and a $1,500 cash prize (to be split in the case of multiple recipients).

Criteria for Evaluation of Submissions

Papers or posters accepted for presentation at the annual SIOP conference will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:

  • Have a sound basis in science, theory, and/or practice.
  • Increase our understanding of workplace issues faced by LGBT employees.
  • Offer practical guidance to organizations seeking to improve the workplace experiences of LGBT employees.
  • Extend and broaden our theoretical and/or empirical knowledge of sexual identity in the workplace.
  • Represent technical adequacy, including issues of internal validity, external validity, appropriate methodology, appropriate statistical analyses, comprehensiveness of review (if the publication is a literature review, and/or theoretical rigor and soundness.

Guidelines for Submission of Publications

  • To apply for the award, check the “LGBT Award” box when submitting for the conference.

Administrative Procedures

  • Full members of the SIOP LGBT Ad-Hoc Committee will review submissions and determine the winner of the award.
  • In the case that one of the full members of the LGBT Ad-Hoc Committee has submitted a paper for consideration, he or she will not be a reviewer.

Updated: 25 April 2017

SIOP Student Travel Award

If you are a current Student member of SIOP who is a Speaker for an accepted submission to the SIOP Annual Conference, please consider applying for the SIOP Student Travel Award. Eligible students will receive an email within a week of the submission notices.

Award Overview

The purpose of the travel award program is to help psychology graduate students travel to the Annual SIOP Conference, present their work, and participate in the 3-day conference.

Description and Size of Award

SIOP typically provides 10 students $500 each to support their travel to the annual conference.

Selection of Recipients and Administration of Award

The Awards Committee Chair will appoint a subcommittee chair for the Student Travel Award Subcommittee. The subcommittee will consist of at least four SIOP members who are not members of the SIOP Foundation Board or the SIOP Executive Board.

This subcommittee will be responsible for evaluating the eligibility of applicants, the quality of applications, and determining the award recipients.


  • Applicants must be in good standing in a graduate program related to I-O psychology at a regionally accredited university or college
  • Applicants must be student members of SIOP. Students who are not members must apply for affiliation when submitting materials for the Travel Award.
  • Applicants must be a first author, co-chair, panelist, discussant, or presenter on at least one accepted submission of any type to the SIOP conference program.
  • Each university or department may endorse no more than two students for the travel award. If more than two students from a department wish to apply for these funds, the department must perform an initial screening and provide endorsement letters to only two students. By endorsing an application, departments are confirming that the student is in good standing.

Application Procedure

Applications will be accepted until February 19, 2024.

The Travel Award Subcommittee will examine all applications for eligibility and the following required documents:

  • Complete the Student Travel Award Application form. This form should be downloaded and the following information saved into the interactive PDF. Once complete, the applicant should return to the award application website to upload the form plus the endorsement letter from the program representative.
  • Career type: academic or applied
  • University Affiliation and address
  • Degree program
  • Degree type 
  • Expected graduation date
  • Honors/Awards
  • Grade point average
  • Research experience
  • Upcoming conference accepted contributions
  • Contributions to articles, book chapters, conference presentations, etc.
  • Practical experience; internships, applied projects, teaching experience
  • Projected travel expenses
  • One-page maximum letter of endorsement from the program representative stating the applicant is 1 of the 2 endorsed students and attesting to the student’s standing in the program

 Criteria for Judging Submissions

Awards will be distributed on the basis of both need (as determined by available support, distance from the conference, etc.) and merit (as demonstrated by research and practical experiences and products, number of submissions to the conference, etc.). The committee will strive to make awards to students with plans to enter both academic and practice-oriented careers from a variety of institutional affiliations.

Award recipients will be announced no later than March 20, 2024. The travel award check will be mailed to the student within 10 days of the award notification or 10 days of the conference registration being paid. NOTE: Early registration deadline is February 23, 2024.


Updated: January 9, 2024


SIOP Best International Paper Award

The SIOP Best International Paper Award is awarded to the poster deemed to be the most outstanding example of scholarship in Global, International, and/or Cross-Cultural Issues. Posters are evaluated in the first stage by general Annual Conference reviewers and in a second stage by members of the SIOP International Affairs Committee (IAC).

Below are examples of what may constitute Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues:


  •   Global issues pertain to topics/practices globally accepted or engaged in OR to environmental issues that have broad/global impacts on organizations, workforce, students, or the I-O field. Posters that focus on these global issues using a broad sample would fit under this category.
  •  International issues pertain to research conducted in or affecting two or more nations, typically a comparative study exploring topics/constructs/practices and grouping results by nation. Constructs may not be widely accepted or shared and thus do not fit the Global definition above.
  •  Cross-Cultural issues pertain to research that includes measures of cultural values and explore topics/constructs/practices within the context of those cultural values, with results discussed through that lens. Culture is a key variable driving or moderating outcomes.


Submission rules: Submissions may involve empirical research, conceptual/theoretical research, or teaching-related activities from any area of I-O psychology (either self-nominated for the International Poster Award or submitted with “Global/International/Cross-Cultural Issues” as the submission’s primary or secondary topic designation). The focus of the submission must involve issues related to Global, International, or Cross-Cultural Issues as defined above. IAC members will be prevented from reviewing submissions if their poster is under consideration for the award.


Award details: The award recipient(s) will receive a commemorative plaque, recognition in SIOP promotional materials, and recognition at the IAC International reception.


Criteria: The highest-rated posters in the topic area, Global/International/Cross-cultural Issues, will be evaluated on the extent to which the paper:


1=Not Developed, 2=Underdeveloped, 3= Competent, 4=Very Strong, 5= Outstanding


  1. Topic Choice: The submission tackles an I-O relevant issue, has a sound basis in science, theory, and/or practice (organizational or educational context) and reflects an awareness of the issue outside domestic boundaries.
  2. Introduction 1: The introductory section and the literature review are comprehensive, relevant and up to date, with gaps being clearly outlined.
  3. Introduction 2: Problem statements, research questions and/or hypotheses are correctly formulated and in line with the issues outlined in the introduction
  4. Introduction 3: The research design has internal validity, addressing potential biases and/or confounded effects
  5. Methods 1: The research design has external validity (incl. participants, settings and conditions)
  6. Methods 2: The procedure(s), measurements, and/or qualitative methods are appropriate and attuned to the research objectives
  7. Methods 3: Adequate statistical or other data analytical procedures have been used to obtain results that are properly described and interpreted
  8. Results: The author(s) offers reasonable interpretations of the results of the research
  9. Implications 1: Extends and broadens our theoretical and/or empirical knowledge of Global, International, and/or Cross-Cultural Issues by offering new insights and/or employing/suggesting creative methodologies and/or models.
  10. Implications 2: Increases our understanding of Global, International, and/or Cross-Cultural Issues in the workplace or educational context and offers practical guidance on these issues.

Robert J. Wherry Award for Best Paper at IOOB Conference

Criteria for this award are unavailable at this time.

John C. Flanagan Award for Best Student Presentation at the SIOP Conference

The John C. Flanagan Award was established to recognize the best student contribution at the SIOP conference. There isn’t an application process for this award. Poster submissions whose first author is a student are automatically considered for the Flanagan award. To qualify for the Flanagan Award, a student must (a) have a paid Student membership in SIOP, (b) be enrolled in a PhD program, and (c) be the first author of the paper submitted. In the case of multiple authors, order of authorship should reflect the relative scientific or professional contribution

The Student who has the top ranked paper will be notified by the Conference Committee of their selection as the Flanagan Award Recipient. The winner will be recognized at the annual SIOP Conference. They will receive a plaque and a cash prize of $1,500 from the SIOP Foundation. The SIOP Administrative Office will contact the recipient to notify them of the details of the award presentation

SIOP Caregiver Support Grant

Please consider applying for this grant if you are a current SIOP member planning to attend the 2024 SIOP Annual Conference in Chicago and you are facing some financial difficulty in attending, whether virtually or in person, due to caregiving needs or responsibilities.


Grant Overview

The purpose of the Caregiver Support Grant (formerly Family Care Grant) is to help offset caregiving costs associated with attending the SIOP Annual Conference.

Description and Size of Grant

SIOP will provide eligible SIOP members $500 each to support their caregiving costs associated with their attendance at the SIOP Annual Conference in Chicago. The Women’s Inclusion Network (WIN) committee has appointed a Caregiver Support subcommittee for evaluating applications and determining grant recipients.


To be eligible to receive funds, an applicant must:

  • be a current SIOP member.
  • be a caregiver, defined as a person providing care to another person who requires care such as children, elders, or persons with disabilities, OR
  • be a person who requires caregiving support at the conference, such as members with disabilities.
  • be the only caregiver in the family applying for the grant funds.
  • report facing some financial difficulty attending the conference, whether virtually or in person, due to caregiving or caregiving support needs.
  • plan to travel to the SIOP 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago OR plan to attend the SIOP 2024 Annual Conference virtually.

Application Procedure

Applications will be accepted until February 15, 2024. The subcommittee will examine all applications for eligibility and preference criteria described below.

Prioritization for Selection

Prioritization will initially be given to graduate students and early career professionals with the greatest self-reported financial need. If there are remaining grants, priority will be given to all others with the greatest financial need, then graduate students and early career professionals with a moderate level of financial need.

Grant recipients will be announced no later than March 8, 2024.


Updated January 9, 2024