Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Foundation > Awards

SIOP and SIOP Foundation Awards, Grants, and Scholarships



Thank you for visiting the SIOP and SIOP Foundation’s Awards, Scholarships, and Research Grants web pages.  We invite you to browse the web pages to see if you or a colleague qualifies for one or more of the awards.  The awards committee created an interactive poster with all of the awards, grants, and scholarships to help you decide which one(s) might apply to you.

The online program to submit nominations and applications for SIOP Distinguished & Career Awards, SIOP Foundation Achievement Awards, Scholarships, Fellowship, and Research Grants is open by early April and accepts nominations/applications until June 30 each year.

Please nominate a deserving colleague for one of SIOP’s Distinguished Awards, submit your research project for an award, or apply for scholarship funding to help with the expense of carrying out your dissertation research. These awards will be presented at the next SIOP Annual Conference.

Click here to learn a little about the funds that have been created in someone’s honor.

To see a list of past award winners, click HERE.

Demystifying the Process to WIN a SIOP Award: A conversational webinar with the Women's Inclusion Network, view the recording

Additional Resources for applying to SIOP Awards: