Achievement & Best Paper Awards

Achievement Awards and Best Paper Awards

For a complete list of past award winners, click HERE


S. Rains Wallace Dissertation Award

The S. Rains Wallace Dissertation Award recognizes the doctoral dissertation that best exemplifies the scientific knowledge development, practical relevance, and rigorous research methods that are core to I-O psychology.

The winner of the award will receive a plaque and a cash prize of $1,000.

Nomination Guidelines

  1. Nominees must be a SIOP member.
  2. The nominated dissertation must have been accepted by the graduate college two years or less before June 20th of the nomination year. A dissertation can only be nominated once for this award.
  3. The nomination package must include a summary of the dissertation without any information that identifies the author. Summaries are limited to a maximum of 30 double-spaced pages (including title page, abstract, text, tables, figures, and appendices; but excluding the reference list). Margins should be 1 inch and font should be 12 point. All aspects of the summary must adhere to APA formatting guidelines. This means that the title page and abstract each are on their own page and each table and figure is on its own page. Submissions in violation of these formatting requirements will not be considered.
  4. The dissertation summary should include the formulation of research questions and hypotheses from relevant literature; the description of research methods in sufficient detail to allow for an assessment of the capacity of the research to yield valid inferences; and the author’s interpretation of research results, inferences about the implications of the research, and suggestions for future research.
  5. A separate title page must be submitted with the name of the nominee, the nominee's current address and phone number, and the institution where the nominee conducted the dissertation work.
  6. The nomination package also must include a letter from the nominee's dissertation chair that specifies the date of acceptance of the dissertation by the graduate school and certifies that the submitted summary adequately represents all aspects of the completed dissertation. The letter should only state this information, as additional information highlighting the recipient’s achievements is not viewed by the committee because it is a masked award.
  7. When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee is being investigated, or has been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.


Criteria for Selecting Award Winners

Dissertation summaries will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:

  1. The degree to which the research addresses a phenomenon that is of significance to the field of I-O psychology.
  2. The extent to which the research shows appropriate consideration of relevant theoretical and empirical literature.
  3. The scientific quality of the research.
  4. The extent to which the author offers reasonable interpretations of the results.
  5. The extent to which the research yields information that is both scientifically and practically relevant.

Administrative Procedures

  1. At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate the nomination package of each nominee and recommend an award winner to the SIOP Executive Board
  2. The Awards Subcommittee will make a recommendation to the Executive Board of SIOP about the award-winning dissertation. If appropriate, an honorable mention may be recommended for this award. The honorable mention recipient will receive a certificate.
  3. The Executive Board may either endorse or reject the recommendations of the Awards Subcommittee but may not substitute recommendations of its own.
  4. In the absence of a dissertation that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and Executive Board, the award may be withheld.


Updated: February 28, 2024

William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award

The William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award recognizes the best publication appearing in a refereed journal in the field of I-O psychology during the previous calendar year.

This annual award is given to the author(s) of a publication in a refereed journal judged to have the highest potential to significantly impact the field of I-O psychology. There is no restriction on the specific journals in which the publication appears, only that the journal be refereed and that the publication concerns a topic of relevance to the field of I-O psychology. Only articles published in the previous calendar year will be considered for the award

Award recipients receive a plaque and a $3,000 cash prize (to be split in the case of multiple authors).


The Scholarly Achievement Award honors William A. Owens who was best known for his extensive theoretical and applied work on biodata conducted at Iowa State University, Purdue University, and, primarily, at the University of Georgia. For that work, as well as a broad range of other research, he received SIOP’s Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award. He was a past president of SIOP and a Fellow of SIOP and APA. He and his wife Barbara established this award and helped create the SIOP Foundation..


Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • Only publications with a print publication date in the previous calendar year (2023) are eligible for the award. Online first publication dates should not be used in determining a publication’s eligibility for this award (with the exception of journals that are only published online).
  • Publications having multiple authors are acceptable. At least one author must be a SIOP member.
  • If there are multiple authors, the names of each author must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all authors in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
  • A nomination letter should address how the publication meets the evaluation criteria noted below.
  • The nomination letter and the nominated publication must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.


Criteria for the Award

Nominated publications will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. The publication addresses a phenomenon that is of significance to the field of I-O psychology.
  2. The potential impact or significance of the publication to the field of I-O psychology.
  3. The research displays technical adequacy, including issues of internal validity, external validity, appropriate methodology, appropriate statistical analysis, comprehensiveness of review (if the publication is a literature review), and so forth.


Administrative Procedures

  1. At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
  2. The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award-winning publication to the Executive Board of SIOP  and, if appropriate, a publication deserving honorable mention status. The honorable mention is awarded a certificate and cash prize of $500.
  3. The Executive Board may either endorse or reject the recommendations of the Awards Subcommittee, but may not substitute a nominee of its own.
  4. In the absence of a publication that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and Executive Board, the award may be withheld.



Updated: April 2, 2024


M. Scott Myers Award for Applied Psychology in the Workplace

The M. Scott Myers Award for Applied Psychology in the Workplace recognizes a project or product representing an outstanding example of the practice of I-O psychology in the workplace.

This annual award is given to an individual practitioner or team of practitioners who have conducted a specific project or developed a product representing an example of outstanding practice of I-O psychology in the workplace (i.e., business,  government, or nonprofit organizations). Projects must have been conducted in the workplace within the last 20 years. Products (e.g., tests, questionnaires, training courses, online tools, software) must be used in the workplace and developed within the last 20 years. Projects or products may be in any area of I-O psychology (e.g., compensation, employee relations, equal employment opportunity, human factors, job analysis, job design, organizational development, organizational behavior, leadership, position classification, safety, selection, training).

Award recipients will receive a plaque and a cash prize of $3,000 (to be split in the case of multiple team members).

The Award for Applied Psychology in the Workplace honors M. Scott Myers (1922-1996), a SIOP and APA Fellow who was admired by his professional colleagues but was probably better known to CEOs of the Fortune 500. As head of a team of I-O psychologists at Texas Instruments in the 1960s, he helped TI to achieve record growth and profits by involving employees in management decisions and giving employees greater freedom to plan and control their own work. His classic article on “Who Are Your Motivated Workers?” (Harvard Business Review, 1964) and related book on Every Employee A Manager (McGraw-Hill, 1970) are still must reading for business executives.



Nomination Guidelines

  1. Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
  2. An individuals or team may be nominated. An individual nominee must be a SIOP member. If a team is nominated, at least one of the team members must be a SIOP member, and each team member must have made a significant contribution to the project or product.
  3. If there are multiple team members, the names of each participant must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all participants in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
  4. Each nomination package must contain the following documents:
  • A letter of nomination which explains how the project or product meets the evaluation criteria below.
  • A detailed project or product description (a maximum of 20 pages). This may be an existing report. Note that all nomination materials are confidential, and reviewers must delete materials after the review process is completed.
  • A description of any formal complaints of a legal or ethical nature which have been made regarding the project or product.
  • One to three letters of support from clients who have benefitted from the project or product. 
  • Up to three additional documents that may be helpful for evaluating the nomination (e.g., a sample of the product, technical manuals, independent evaluations).
  • The nomination package must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.


Criteria for the Award Winners

Nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. Has a sound technical/scientific basis.
  2. Advances the objectives of clients/users.
  3. Promotes full use of human potential.
  4. Complies with applicable psychological, legal, and ethical standards.
  5. Shows innovation and excellence.


Administrative Procedures

  1. At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
  2. The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the SIOP Executive Board.
  3. The Executive Board may either accept or reject the recommendation of the Awards Subcommittee but may not substitute a nominee of its own.
  4. In the absence of a nominee that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and the Executive Board, the award may be withheld.


Updated: April 2. 2024


Raymond A. Katzell Public Impact Award

The Raymond A. Katzell Public Impact Award recognizes individuals who, in a major way, have shown to a broader public the importance of work done by I-O psychology for addressing issues that impact society’s well-being, that is, research that makes a difference for people.

This annual award is given to individuals who have broadly disseminated their own work or the work of other I-O psychologists beyond the I-O community in an effort to impact society’s well-being, for example, publicizing research that helps make organizations better places to work, more satisfying to workers, more efficient, and so forth.

Dissemination may take numerous forms, for example, books, trade magazine articles, news and popular press articles, op-ed pieces, newsletters, websites, blogs, podcasts, social media posts, presentations, speeches, serving on policy advisory groups, or providing expert testimony. Dissemination may target a broader public or particular segments of the public whose collective actions have considerable impact on society’s well-being (e.g., business and government decision-makers, policy groups, advocacy organizations).

Award recipients will receive a plaque and a cash prize of $3,000.

The Public Impact Award honors Raymond A. Katzell, a strong proponent of the scientist-practitioner model in I-O psychology. His primary research foci during his 27 years on the faculty at New York University were motivation and job satisfaction, the effectiveness of productivity enhancement interventions, and discrimination in employment testing. He was a president of SIOP, a fellow of SIOP, APA, and APS, editor of SIOP’s Frontiers of I-O Psychology series, and winner of SIOP’s Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award. His widow, Kitty Katzell, also a SIOP Fellow, established this award in his memory.


Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • An individual or a team of individuals who have closely collaborated on the dissemination work may be nominated. An individual nominee must be a SIOP member. At least one member of a team nomination must be a SIOP member.
  • If there are multiple team members, the names of each participant must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all participants in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
  • A nomination letter should address how the nominee meets the evaluation criteria noted below.
  • The nomination package should contain up to three additional documents that will help the Awards Subcommittee evaluate the reach of the disseminated work (e.g., documentation of the breadth of distribution to the public or to decision/policy makers) and the perceived importance of the work for addressing issues impacting society’s well-being (e.g., positive reviews of the work, social media following, speaking invitations, advise sought by decision-makers and policy groups). One or more of the documents can be letters of support that explain the importance of the disseminated work.
  • The nomination letter and nomination support documents must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.


Criteria for the Award

Nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. The work the nominee has shown to the broader public is research based, and its application is clearly demonstrated.
  2. The work addresses issues that impact society’s well-being: for example, making work organizations better places to work, more satisfying to workers, or more efficient.
  3. The work is reaching and viewed as important by audiences well beyond the I-O community.


Administrative Procedures

  1. At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
  2. The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the SIOP Executive Board. 
  3. The Executive Board may either accept or reject the recommendation of the Awards Subcommittee but may not substitute a nominee of its own. 
  4. In the absence of a nominee that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and the Executive Board, the award may be withheld.

Updated: March 22, 2024


Joyce and Robert Hogan Award for Personality and Work Performance

The Joyce and Robert Hogan Award for Personality and Work Performance recognizes a written work that best exemplifies excellence and innovation in applied personality research in the field of I-O psychology.

Nominated research should advance the understanding of the role of personality in job performance. The written work can take various forms, for example, journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, conference proceedings, or online publications. The award is open to scholarly research, research reviews, or in-company research.Only works produced within the last three calendar years will be considered for the award.

Award recipients receive a plaque and a $3,000 cash prize (to be split in the case of multiple authors).

The author(s) of the best publication is (are) awarded a plaque and a $3,000 cash prize (to be split in the case of multiple authors).


Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • Only written works with a print publication date in the previous three calendar years (2021-2023) are eligible for the award. Online first publication dates should not be used in determining a work’s eligibility for the award (with the exception of works that are only published online).
  • Written works with multiple authors are acceptable. At least one author must be a SIOP member.
  • If there are multiple authors, the names of all authors must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all authors in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
  • The nomination package should include the written work and a nomination letter that addresses how the work meets the criteria noted below.
  • The nomination letter and the nominated work must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.


Criteria for the Award

Nominated works will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:

  • The research advances the understanding of how personality is related to competent job performance.
  • The research has a sound technical and scientific basis.
  • The research illustrates excellence and innovation in the field of I-O psychology.


Administrative Procedures

  • At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
  • The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the Executive Board of SIOP.
  • The Executive Board may either accept or reject the recommendations of the Awards Committee, but may not substitute a nominee of its own.
  • In the absence of a paper that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and Executive Board, the award may be withheld.


Updated: April 2, 2024

Wiley Award for Excellence in Organizational Surveys

The Wiley Award for Excellence in Organizational Surveys recognizes excellence and innovation in the design and implementation of organizational surveys and in their use to enhance  organizational effectiveness and performance.

This annual award is open to projects that use employee or customer surveys within organizations for the purpose of improving organizational performance.  Excellence and innovation can be visible in overall survey purpose, instrument design, populations or samples surveyed, survey methods, analysis and reporting of results, and use of results to affect positive organizational change. Preference will be given to work that (a) demonstrates excellence and innovation in multiple phases of the survey research process and (b) documents positive impact on team, unit, or organizational development and performance.
To be considered for the award, the survey project must have occurred within the last five calendar years (2019-2023).
Award recipients receive a plaque and a $3,000 cash prize (to be split in the case of multiple team members).
Nomination Guidelines
  • Nominations may be submitted by any member of SIOP. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • An individual or team can be nominated. A nominated individual must be a SIOP member. For a team nomination, at least one team member must be a SIOP member.
  • If applicable, the names of all participants must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all participants in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
  • A nomination letter should address how the project meets the criteria noted below.
  • The nomination package should include a report that describes the project and its impact (a maximum of 20 pages) and up to 3 additional documents that may be helpful for evaluating the nomination (e.g., survey sample, sample feedback report, independent evaluations). Note that all nomination materials are confidential and reviewers must delete all material after the review process is complete.
  • The nomination letter and nomination support documents must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.
Criteria for the Award
Nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:
  • Illustrates a sound technical and scientific basis.
  • Demonstrates excellence and innovation in the survey research process
  • Documents a positive impact on organizational performance.
  • Advances the understanding of survey research methods and processes.
  • Advances the understanding of organizational development and performance
Administrative Procedures
  • At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
  • The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the Executive Board of SIOP.
  • The Executive Board may either endorse or reject the recommendations of the Awards Subcommittee, but may not substitute a nominee of its own. 
  • In the absence of a project or publication that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Committee and Executive Board, the award may be withheld.


Updated: March 21, 2024

Jeanneret Award for Excellence in the Study of Individual or Group Assessment

The Jeanneret Award for Excellence in the Study of Individual or Group Assessment is given to the author(s) of a work judged to have the highest potential to further the understanding and practice of individual or group assessment in the workplace, especially when such assessment supports the creation of a diverse workforce.


The work can be documented in a variety of formats (e.g., journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, conference proceedings, or online publications). To be considered for the award, the work must have been produced within the last three calendar years.

Award recipients receive a plaque and a $3,000 cash prize (to be split in the case of multiple authors).


Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • Only written works completed and dated in the previous three calendar years (2021-2023) are eligible for the award. Online first publication dates should not be used in determining a publication’s eligibility for the award (with the exception of works that are only published online). 
  • Works having multiple authors are acceptable. At least one team member must be a SIOP member.
  • If applicable, the names of all authors must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all participants in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
  • A nomination letter should address how the work meets the evaluation criteria noted below.
  • The nomination letter and the nominated work must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.


Criteria for the Award

Nominations will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:

  • The work has a sound scientific base, or otherwise incorporates a scientific perspective.
  • The work illustrates innovation and excellence in the field of industrial-organizational psychology.
  • The work advances the understanding and practice of individual or group assessment, particularly new assessment techniques that promote a diverse work force.


Administrative Procedures

  • At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
  • The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the Executive Board of SIOP.
  • The Executive Board may either endorse or reject the recommendations of the Awards Subcommittee, but may not substitute a nominee of its own.
  • In the absence of a work that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and Executive Board, the award may be withheld.


Updated: April 2, 2024

Schmidt-Hunter Meta-Analysis Award

The Schmidt-Hunter Meta-Analysis Award, honoring Frank L. Schmidt and John E. Hunter, recognizes the best advances related to I-O psychology from a meta-analysis published in the last three years. The meta-analysis should exhibit the highest-level of methodological and general conceptual or theoretical quality and yield potential implications for I-O psychology.


The meta-analysis can be in any area of I-O psychology or in another discipline or sub-discipline if there are potential implications for I-O psychology, even if such implications are long term or remote. Articles that make important contributions to statistical, measurement, and mathematical methods can only be submitted if they include actual meta-analysis using real data.  The emphasis in this award is on methodological and theoretical quality, rather than on established impact on the field of I-O psychology. This provision recognizes that sufficient time for showing impact will typically not have elapsed at the time of nomination.

Award recipients receive a plaque and a $3,000 cash prize (to be split in the case of multiple authors).  



Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • Only publications with a print publication date in the previous three calendar years are eligible for the award (2021-2023). A meta-analysis nominated in a given year but not chosen can be re-nominated if it still meets the within-three-calendar-years requirement.
  • Publications having multiple authors are acceptable. At least one author must be a SIOP member.
  • If there are multiple authors, the names of each author must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all participants in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
  • A nomination letter should address how the publication meets the evaluation criteria noted below. 
  • The nomination letter, the nominated publication must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP”s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.

Criteria for Evaluation of Research

Nominations will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:

  1. Methodological, conceptual, and theoretical quality. 
  2. Advances cumulative knowledge and has implications for the development of understanding and explanation.
  3. Has some implications for the practice of I-O psychology. These implications can be direct or indirect, immediate or anticipated for the future
  4. Technical excellence. The meta-analysis should employ the best currently available psychometric meta-analysis methods (e.g., Schmidt & Hunter, 2015) and correct for relevant research artifacts that distort initially observed findings, including sampling error variance and measurement error (except that reliability generalization meta-analyses should not correct for measurement error), range restriction, dichotomization, construct validity incompleteness, etc., if these biasing artifacts are present and corrections are possible. The potential for publication bias should also be addressed. The meta-analysis should include a full explanation of why and how the corrections for the biases caused by research artifacts and biases were made, including the theoretical and construct-based justification for the corrections. Any moderator analyses should be consistent with the methods presented in Schmidt and Hunter (2015, Chapter 9), and in particular should show recognition of the advantages and disadvantages of meta-regression. All relevant meta-analysis results and statistics should be reported (cf. pages 489 – 493 of Schmidt and Hunter, 2015). Note that this precludes the use of statistical significance tests to make inferences.

Ideally, the published meta-analysis should contain full explanations of how the criteria above are met. In addition, the nominating letter might address the technical excellence of the nominated article. If some of this information is missing, the awards committee may make inferences. For example, if the implications for practice are not spelled out, the awards committee may identify such implications and may make a judgment on this aspect.

Administrative Procedures

  1. At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
  2. The Awards Subcommittee members should be current SIOP members with a reputation for knowledge of meta-analysis methods. Earlier award winners may serve on the committee.
  3. The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the Executive Board of SIOP.
  4. The Executive Board may either endorse or reject the recommendations of the Awards Committee but may not substitute a nominee of its own. 
  5. In the absence of a nomination that is  deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Committee and the Executive Board, the award may be withheld.

Updated May 6, 2024

Joel Lefkowitz Early Career Award for Humanistic Industrial-Organizational Psychology

The Joel Lefkowitz Early Career Award for Humanistic Industrial-Organizational Psychology recognizes an early-career individual who has made a notable contribution to humanistic I-O psychology.


A nominee’s contribution can be in the form of an applied project, research, and/or theory-building that focuses on fostering organizations that are safe, just, healthy, challenging, and fulfilling places in which to work. The contribution should be documented in publications, presentations, and/or project reports or products.

Broad areas of contribution include advancing the dignity of and respect for workers, economic and social justice, and promoting the organization’s concern for the common good. Some examples of issues deserving attention include employment-at-will, wrongful discharge, alternative dispute resolutions, wage theft, union busting, unsafe working conditions, abusive supervision, pay inequity, living wages, work-life imbalance, sexual harassment, discrimination of all types, and organizational social responsibility.

To be considered for the award, nominees must have defended their doctoral dissertation within the last ten years. The setting in which the nominee has made the contributions (i.e., academia, government, or industry) is not relevant.

Award recipients receive a plaque and a cash prize of $3,000.


Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • A nominated individual must be a SIOP member.
  • Nominees must have defended their doctoral dissertation no earlier than 2014.
  • A nomination letter should address how the nominee meets the criteria noted below.
  • The nomination package should also include a current curriculum vitae and up to three documents (i.e., publications, presentations, reports, or other documents) that best represent the nominee’s work related to humanistic I-O psychology.
  • The letter of nomination, nominee CV, and all supporting materials must be submitted online by the nominator.
  • When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.


Criteria for the Award

Nominees will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Theoretical, practical, or social significance of the nominee’s contribution to humanistic psychology.
  • The contribution is grounded in sound psychological research or theory.
  • The contribution can improve the quality of organizations as safe, just, healthy, challenging, and fulfilling places to work.
  • The nominee demonstrates a commitment to a humanistic approach to I-O psychology, for example, by taking on a leadership role in an organization or committee whose goals are to improve worker’s lives, economic and social justice, or organizational impact on the common good; or by presenting in public forums focused on such improvements.


Administrative Procedures

  • At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package. Subcommittee members must have expertise in humanistic psychology and should be a mix of those who identify as practitioners and academics.
  • The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the Executive Board of SIOP.
  • The Executive Board may either endorse or reject the recommendations of the Awards Subcommittee, but may not substitute a nominee of its own.
  • In the absence of a work that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and Executive Board, the award may be withheld.


Updated: April 2, 2024