SIOP Weekly Newsletter Advertising
Ad space is available in SIOP’s member-only weekly e-newsletter, SIOP Source, which is emailed to members every Wednesday.
SIOP Quarterly Newsletter Advertising
Place ads in The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (TIP), SIOP’s quarterly online newsletter focused on member activities and accomplishments.

SIOP Event Advertising
Connect face-to-face with I-O professionals attending the SIOP Annual Conference and the Leading Edge Consortium. Check each event’s advertising page for information.
SIOP’s Advertising Policy
The publication of any advertisement by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) is neither an endorsement of the advertiser nor of the products or services advertised. SIOP is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement. The publications of SIOP are published for, and on behalf of, the membership to advance the science and practice of the psychology of work. The Society reserves the right to, unilaterally, REJECT, OMIT, or CANCEL advertising which it deems to be not in the best interest of SIOP, the objectives set forth above, or which by its tone, content, or appearance is not in keeping with the essentially scientific, scholarly, and professional nature of its publications. Conditions, printed or otherwise, which conflict with this policy will not be binding on the publisher.
For more information about advertising, please contact Susan K. Rogers, CAE, SIOP Business Development Manager, at srogers@siop.org.