The November 9 SIOP Work Smart Series brought together professionals with expertise in coaching supported by science, rigor, and evidence of measurable impact. Each panelist brought not only deep knowledge but also passion to the session!

The session kicked off with Carol Braddick, a coach futurist and member of the Disruptive Tech Workstream of the Future of Coaching Collaboration, and Jeff Quinn, founder of Leadership Insights & Development, who shared some key trends around democratization, digitalization, and disruption of the coaching field. They shared examples of some of the mega scaler coaching platforms, as well as other examples of how technology and AI are beginning to enter the coaching field—providing opportunities along with potential threats.   

Coaching for teams was the next topic, with a highly spirited fireside chat between Jeff Quinn and Gordon Curphy, managing partner of Curphy Leadership Solutions. Jeff and Gordy discussed characteristics of high performing teams and how the leader can support the building and maintaining of high performing teams. Gordy also shared the ways organizations can scale teams in organizations—both introducing new teams as well as the ongoing maintenance and improvement of teams over time.

Next up was Alex Haitoglou, founder of Ovida, an online platform that records and can analyze coaching interactions. He discussed issues with leadership coaching skills training, including access to data and metrics, ongoing feedback on coaching skills, and the ability to tailor development for individual needs. He conducted a demo of the Ovida platform to highlight how an AI-driven engine can capture key moments in coaching sessions and track data over time to provide a baseline from which to improve.

The event concluded with Ali O’Malley sharing insights and best practices on demonstrating the impact and value of coaching interventions. Ali discussed best practices to moving beyond coaching participant reactions to demonstrating true ROI in terms of productivity, turnover, and healthcare costs.

Postsession evaluations indicate that 94% of participants found the content of the program useful or very useful, and 95% of participants would recommend this session to others. Some comments from the evaluation highlighted the strength of the panelists:

  • “Great content and speakers.”
  • “High energy, engaged presenters!”
  • “This was great—thank you and thank you to all the speakers.

If you were unable to attend on November 9, it is not too late to benefit from the great information and resources shared.  You can still register to access the video, all slides, and the chat transcript! (Please note, CE credit will not be available for on-demand participants).

Register by December 31 to access the material through January 31, 2023.

Thanks again to our panelists and session coordinators!               

Save the Date: Mark your calendar for the next SIOP Work Smart Series event—Stories That Move Us—on Thursday, February 16, 2023, from 12 pm– 3 pm EST.  More information is available on the Work Smart webpage.

The SIOP Work Smart Series Team welcomes your feedback and ideas at any time. We can be reached at