Submitted by Lisa Kath, Work Smart Series Session Coordinator

The August 18 SIOP Work Smart Series session brought together professionals with expertise in data storytelling, marketing, diversity, and coaching to share their insights on I3 – Inspiring, Inclusive, and Influential Communication. Each panelist brought their passion to the session, and it was interesting to see the ways in which their perspectives complemented each other but did not fully overlap. Clearly, communication is a complex topic.  

We started with Dr. Morgan Miles, an associate professor of marketing at San Diego State University. She shared a good overview of principles of persuasive communication, which is important for those of us who need to motivate others to make a change in the way things are done in an organization.

Then we heard from Stacè Middlebrooks, chief empowerment officer at Purpose Powered Coaching. She shared her perspectives on the role of authenticity in influencing others through your communication. 

Next up was Bahareh “Berry” Soltani, senior manager in DEI Strategy at Stitch Fix. She talked about the work needed to learn how to center the most marginalized through inclusive communication.

Then it was time for Dr. Ludmila Praslova, a professor of Organizational Psychology at Vanguard University. She walked us through her checklist for inclusive communication to build an inclusive culture.

Last, but not least, was Dr. Amy Grubb, the senior industrial-organizational psychologist at the Federal Bureau of Investigations. She drew from her experience in digital transformation to share some top insights on using storytelling to make your communication more influential. 

Post session evaluations indicate that 94% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that the session was useful to them. Some comments from the evaluation highlighted the strength of the panelists:

  • “Excellent speakers. Each added great value, without exception.”
  • “Loved the mix of speakers from various backgrounds. Great content!”
  • “The content was great – the speakers we all very well versed and conveyed their messages effectively.”

Thanks again to our speakers, facilitators, and SIOP Work Smart Series sponsors:


Save the Date: Be sure to mark your calendar for the next SIOP Work Smart Series event on November 9: Coaching Trends: Passing Fads or Future Fixtures?

The Work Smart Team welcomes your feedback and ideas at any time. We can be reached at