Submitted by the SIOP Workshops and Learning Programs Committee

One of the most valuable benefits of SIOP membership is the opportunity to learn about the latest and greatest applications of I-O psychology. Numerous learning experiences available as part of the SIOP Annual Conference and year round are carefully curated by SIOP’s Workshop and Learning Programs Committee.

Beginning in April of 2023, several of SIOP’s existing programs were brought together under one umbrella committee: the SIOP Workshops and Learning Programs Committee (WLP). According to Scott Tonidandel, 2020-23 SIOP Conference and Programs Officer, “SIOP’s Executive Board agreed that it was time for better alignment across SIOP’s learning offerings.”

What are the WLP “Channels”?

SIOP currently has four channels for learning that are coordinated by the WLP Committee, chaired by Veronica Schmidt Harvey.

  • Preconference Workshops (offered the Wednesday prior to the annual conference), Jerilyn Hayward, Chair
  • Friday Seminars (offered the Friday of the annual conference), Dahee Shon, Chair
  • SIOP Work Smart Series: Content + Connection (offered virtually throughout the year), Ali O’Malley, Chair
  • Advance Professional Development (offered virtually, as needs arise)

“The WLP Committee includes 29 members who dedicate an amazing amount of energy and expertise to identifying top-notch session facilitators and creating high-quality learning designs,” Schmidt Harvey said. “For the 2023-2024 year, committee members coordinated nearly 80 hours of programming including 54 facilitators. Curating great SIOP programs takes much more time and expertise than many realize.”

What do we know about SIOP’s Learning Channels?

One of the WLP Committee’s top priorities is to make better use of data to determine what is most valuable to both SIOP members and nonmembers. We are approaching this as research and asking questions such as:

  • Do the profiles for the participants who attend different channels differ in any meaningful way?
  • How many individuals leverage multiple channels? Do they have a unique profile?
  • What session characteristics most impact perceived value AND learning?

Although data are limited, we are starting to gain insights on who is currently leveraging SIOP’s learning channels. For example, during the past year SIOP had more than 900 participants across all sessions. Other interesting facts:

  • More than 20% of SIOP Work Smart Series participants are not SIOP members, allowing us to showcase I-O psychology beyond our own membership.
  • Preconference Workshops tend to attract more of those in the private sector.
  • Conference Friday Seminars tend to include about equal numbers of participants from academic and private sectors.

“Unfortunately, we have as much as 55% of data missing for many important participant variables, so we encourage members to provide as much information about themselves as possible so we can use the information to better tailor programs to meet members’ needs,” Schmidt Harvey said.

What Channel Is Right for Me?

The committee is taking steps to better understand the session characteristics that are most valued by different types of members and result in the greatest learning. For example, some may place high value on the significant networking opportunities that are built into Preconference Workshops. Others may appreciate the ability to earn CE credits at an affordable price during the annual conference through Friday Seminars. Many like the chance to connect with others virtually throughout the year, and the SIOP Work Smart Series addresses that need.

“I’m excited about the new structure of the Workshops and Learning Programs Committee and the ways the members are working together to leverage best practices, streamline processes, and ensure programs are even more efficient and impactful,” said Conference and Programs Officer Emily Solberg.

If you have ideas to share with the WLP Committee, please contact SIOP Staff Liaison Robin Ganzel at The next WLP planned event will be a SIOP Work Smart Series virtual workshop from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET on Evidence-Based Strategies for Building Inclusive Workplaces.

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Events & Education, Work Smart Series