The polls for the 2023 SIOP Executive Board officially opened for voting eligible SIOP members, Members, Fellows, Retired Members, and Retired Fellows, on Wednesday, November 1. If you have submitted your vote, thank you! If not, we strongly encourage you to take a moment select candidates and cast your ballot before midnight ET on Thursday, November 30.
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order below.
Diversity and Inclusion Officer:
Victoria Mattingly
Rajanique Modeste
Enrica Ruggs
Financial Officer/Secretary:
Eric Heggestad
Lorin Mueller
Christopher Nye
Membership Services Officer:
Songqi Liu
./Steven Toaddy
President Elect:
Satoris Howes
William Shepherd
Scott Tannenbaum
Publications Officer:
Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang
Juliette Nelson
When you vote, you will be asked to rank the candidates on the ballot. Although ranking all candidates is not required, it is encouraged. Votes will be recorded using the Ware single transferable vote method, also known as the instant runoff method, per the procedures used for APA’s presidential election. Our overall election procedures are available on our website.
Thank you for your participation in this vital process!
Post Type
Governance, Leadership, Membership