SIOP Past President Steven Rogelberg Receives Raymond A. Katzell Award in I-O Psychology
Steven Rogelberg, PhD, has been honored with the Raymond A. Katzell Award in I-O (Industrial and Organizational) Psychology by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). This award is designed to recognize a SIOP member who, in a major way, has shown to the general public the importance of work done by I-O psychology for addressing social issues, that is, research that makes a difference for people.
Rogelberg, Chancellor’s Professor at UNC Charlotte, has more than 150 publications addressing issues such as team effectiveness, leadership, engagement, health and employee well-being, meetings at work, and organizational research methods. He was nominated for the Katzell Award because of his pioneering research and work focused on making meetings more efficient and effective. This work is summarized in his newest book, “The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance.”
“The quality and depth of his research, his highly skilled translation of his work for a business audience, and the reach he has achieved in communicating his work to millions of people make Dr. Rogelberg an outstanding candidate for this award,” wrote nominator Jeffrey McHenry, principal and founder of Rainier Leadership Solutions.
Various estimates suggest that employees spend 8 to 16 hours per week in meetings, or 20-40% of their work time. In his research, Rogelberg examined how to design and facilitate meetings in ways that result in better meeting experiences for workers, enhance worker engagement and effectiveness, improve team performance and decision making, and save money. His findings yield practical tips that can have an impact on society’s well-being, one criterion for the award.
“The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance” has been named to more than 25 top book listings by publications including The Washington Post, Business Insider, and Forbes. In addition to discussing this book on media from CBS This Morning to CNN to BBC to NPR, Rogelberg has addressed audiences on various I-O topics at companies and universities around the world, including Amazon, the UN, Bank of America, Google, IBM, and Warner Bros, and has testified to the U.S. Congress.
“One of Dr. Rogelberg’s core values is using I-O science to improve the well-being of workers and enhance individual, team, and organizational productivity,” McHenry wrote. “In his research, Dr. Rogelberg thoughtfully examined how to design and facilitate meetings in ways that result in better meeting experiences for workers, enhance worker engagement and effectiveness, improve team performance and decision making, and save money. He was determined that the findings from his research would yield very practical tips that would be beneficial to anyone who participates in meetings.”
Rogelberg’s additional awards and honors include receiving the highly prestigious 2017 Humboldt Award, being the 2019 recipient of the First Citizens Bank Scholar Award, being the inaugural winner of the SIOP Humanitarian Award, receiving the SIOP Distinguished Service Award, receiving the Bowling Green State University (BGSU) Master Teacher Award, being named the Psi Chi Professor of the Year Award, being named a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, being named a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, and serving as the 2000 BGSU graduation commencement speaker.
Rogelberg is a Professor of Organizational Science, Management, and Psychology, and has been a visiting scholar and guest speaker at universities around the world including: Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), BI Norwegian Business School (Norway), Peking University (China), University of Edinburgh (Scotland), Reykjavik University (Iceland), Hong Kong Baptist University, The University of Sheffield (England), The University of Zurich (Switzerland), The University of Tel Aviv (Israel), Technion University (Israel), Concordia University (Canada), the University of Mannheim (Germany), and Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium).
He has run three consulting centers, engaged with many Fortune 100 companies, and served on multiple advisory boards. Rogelberg founded and currently directs two large outreach initiatives, spanning eight universities, focusing on nonprofit organization effectiveness.
About the Award
Raymond A. Katzell was always a strong proponent of the scientist-practitioner model in I-O psychology. His primary research foci during his 27 years on the faculty at New York University were motivation and job satisfaction, the effectiveness of productivity enhancement interventions, and discrimination in employment testing. He was a president of SIOP; a fellow of SIOP, APA, and APS; editor of SIOP’s Frontiers of I-O Psychology series; and winner of SIOP’s Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award. His widow, Kitty Katzell, also a SIOP Fellow, established this award in his memory
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