Submitted by the Membership Analytics Subcommittee
To provide enduring support of SIOP’s strategic goal #2, to build a diverse and inclusive SIOP, we are delighted to share that the newest version of the SIOP Membership Demographics Dashboard is now available! SIOP members with a current and active membership can access the dashboard by logging into their account and finding the Demographics link under the Membership menu of
The latest version of the dashboard includes SIOP membership, volunteering, and conference registration information for the 2023 membership year as well as trends on how this has changed over time since 2017 in terms of gender and ethnicity composition, work sector, degree, member type, and location.
As you interact with the dashboard, you may notice that many important demographic variables, such as gender and ethnicity, have a large amount of missing data. This impedes our ability to present accurate insights on SIOP membership diversity. We appreciate the appetite for data among SIOP members and strive to continuously improve the quality and usability of the dashboard, but we need your help!
Please ensure that you have provided your most up-to-date demographic information in your SIOP profile. To update your profile, please log into your account at, click on My Account on the top right, then click on Edit My Demographic Information under Account Actions in the menu on the right to fill in any blanks or make updates. Also, please spread the word to your friends and colleagues!
In 2019, the SIOP Membership Committee created the Membership Analytics Subcommittee (MAS) in order to be data informed in making strategic decisions. The subcommittee analyzes data from member profiles and membership surveys and provides the SIOP Executive Board, Staff, and members with regular member reports, strategic analyses, and ad hoc data to help steer strategic initiatives that improve membership experience for the broader SIOP community.
In 2021, MAS members identified the importance of advancing SIOP’s strategic goal #2, specifically the need for better data infrastructure, higher visibility into membership diversity, and accessible digital resources for members. To address these needs, we developed the first version of a user-friendly and self-serve dashboard that allowed members to view aggregate demographic data on a variety of variables including gender, ethnicity, member type, highest degree earned, sector of employment, location, and field of study (e.g., I-O/business psychology, organizational behavior, human resources).
Each year since, we have been incrementally improving the dashboard by expanding the set of useful analyses and insightful visuals, improving data quality, and incorporating member feedback.
Do you have SIOP membership data requests for your committee or research efforts? Submit your data analysis request via the SIOP Membership Analytics Subcommittee Data & Analyses Request Form. To learn more about the request process and the types of membership information that are available, please review SIOP’s Membership Data Governance Policy.
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