SIOP offers a variety of learning channels that are organized by the new SIOP Workshops and Learning Program Committee (WLP) chaired by Veronica Schmidt Harvey, and available to both SIOP members and nonmembers. Preconference Workshops, Friday Conference Seminars, Advanced Professional Development, and the SIOP Work Smart Series: Content + Connection all provide access to educational content as well as unique networking opportunities.

The Preconference Workshops are held the Wednesday before the SIOP Annual Conference commences each year and have long been SIOP’s premier learning channel. They are targeted to mid- to senior-level SIOP Annual Conference registrants.  Attendees have the option to register for a full day of workshops or a half day. Group sizes are limited for a more personalized learning experience and the exclusive luncheon and reception offer extensive networking opportunities. CE credits are available, and registrants receive access to all Preconference Workshop resources, not just the workshop(s) they registered for. More information about Preconference Workshops can be found on the Preconference Workshops webpage. You can add a Preconference Workshop to your registration at any time by returning to the SIOP Annual Conference registration page.

The Friday Seminars offer intermediate level content and CE credit in conjunction with the SIOP Annual Conference. Friday Seminars are targeted to mid-career SIOP Annual Conference registrants, both practitioners and academics. Because they are offered during the conference, no additional travel is required. They offer an economical and high value learning option. Each seminar is 3 hours in length with limited group sizes. Registrants receive access to resources for the seminar(s) they attended. More information about Friday Seminars can be found on the Friday Seminars webpage. You can add a Friday Seminar to your registration at any time by returning to the SIOP Annual Conference registration page.

The SIOP Work Smart Series: Content + Connection hosts virtual workshops that are offered several times throughout the year, usually once a quarter. They are targeted toward SIOP members and nonmembers of all career levels and expertise. Work Smart attracts many nonmembers and provides visibility to the important ways I-O psychology is contributing to the world of work. These virtual workshops provide an opportunity for connection outside of the SIOP Annual Conference without travel expense. CE credit is also available to interested registrants. The next SIOP Work Smart Series workshop will be held on Wednesday, May 22 on Building Inclusive Work Environments and features Meisha-Ann Martin (Workhuman) and Nick Salter (Hofstra University). Save the date! More information about the SIOP Work Smart Series can be found on the SIOP Work Smart Series page.

Advanced Professional Development (APD) programming offers advanced level learning intended for mid- to senior- level SIOP members and is offered virtually. These sessions do not take place each year, but rather on an as needed basis. Each topic area typically totals 8 or more hours of educational programming that is provided over the course of several days. The small registration size makes APD an ideal learning channel for those seeking more in-depth content, practice opportunities and learning spaced out over time.  Additionally, registrants receive access to extensive resources.

SIOP members receive a discount on all the learning channel opportunities mentioned above as a membership benefit. Explore the diverse learning channels offered by SIOP to enhance your professional development and expand your network within the field of industrial and organizational psychology!

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2024 Annual Conference, Events & Education, I-O Careers, Work Smart Series