The following is an excerpt from the SIOP Foundation President’s Message, which can be read in full in the 2021-2022 Foundation Annual Report. SIOP Fellow Nancy Tippins was elected by the Board of Trustees to succeed Milt Hakel as the fourth president of the SIOP Foundation in August.
In October, the Foundation Trustees began a strategic planning process. We are reconsidering everything from our mission statement and goals to effective ways to gather input from SIOP members and communicate the work of the Foundation. Our strategic planning will continue into 2023. We hope to share our revised plan soon.
As you may know, there are 23 named endowed funds, as well as the Advancement Fund, Administrative Fund, Scholarship Fund, Praxis Fund, and the SIOP Awards Fund to which you may contribute. Of course, you can establish a new fund to support initiatives that reflect your interests! We want to call your attention to three new funds: the Milton D. Hakel Fund, the Outtz Scholars Fund, and the Outtz Scholars Endowment.
- To recognize Milt’s service to the Foundation, we have established an incubator fund, the Milton D. Hakel Fund. Earnings from this fund will be used to support global initiatives that advance research-based practice. For example, the funds might be used to underwrite a small, international conference on the application of I-O psychology to a world problem.
- The Outtz Scholars Fund and the Outtz Scholars Endowment were established to fund minority students who participate in the Diversifying I-O Psychology Program and to honor SIOP’s first African American president. Contributions to the Outtz Scholars Endowment are invested and the income from the investments is used to support Outtz Scholars in perpetuity. Donors wishing to contribute “pass-through” funds for the immediate support of Outtz Scholars should contribute to the Outtz Scholars Fund.
The SIOP Foundation Trustees welcome ideas and donations for advancing I-O psychology. Please feel free to contact the Trustees to discuss your thoughts.
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Awards, Scholarships, Grants, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Events & Education, Foundation, Publications, SIOP Living History