The SIOP Executive Board announces two bylaws amendments for a member vote. The changes align with SIOP’s Strategic Goals to improve the visible and invisible diversity of our membership and encourage more demographic and experiential diversity within our profession, as well as to reduce our fiscal dependence on in-person events by diversifying our revenue streams to ensure the society’s long-term financial health.

  1. Affiliate Category Amendment – creates the Affiliate membership category to broaden our membership to include individuals with an interest in the purpose of the Society.
  2. Student Affiliate Amendment – renames the Student Affiliate category to “Student” and expands the student membership criteria to post-secondary students with an interest in the purpose of the Society. Individuals who have graduated within the past 12 months and do not yet qualify for a professional membership will also be eligible for Student status.

Voting on the proposed bylaws changes begins on May 9, 2022 and concludes on June 8, 2022. All SIOP Members and Fellows are hereby requested, in accordance with SIOP Bylaws Article IX, to review and vote on the amendments by electronic ballot when the voting period opens.

The ballot is structured as separate votes for each of the amendments so that the passing of one is not dependent upon the passing of the other. The amendments receiving majority affirmative votes by those casting ballots will go into effect immediately upon the closing of the ballot period.

Complete details are available on the Proposed Bylaws Amendments webpage.

If you have questions about the proposed changes, please email Executive Director Tracy Vanneman at


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