The SIOP Diversifying I-O Psychology Program is excited to begin the second phase of its mission: the mentorship program for Scholars. This phase will focus on research experience in the form of a research mentor–mentee relationship.

Attendees of the October 2023 Diversifying I-O Psychology Virtual Conference, as well as undergraduate students who were unable to attend, are invited to apply for this opportunity, which will last 10 weeks. This phase will culminate with participants attending (with full funding) the 2024 SIOP Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

The goal of the SIOP Diversifying I-O Psychology Program is to help undergraduates gain the experience and qualifications needed to be more competitive to apply for funded I-O psychology doctoral programs. Specifically, the program focuses on Black, Latinx/Hispanic, and Native American undergraduate students to address the issue of racial minority underrepresentation in these doctoral cohorts.

Please consider forwarding the following application link to undergraduate students and associated listservs to apply to be a Scholar. Undergraduate students are not likely to be SIOP members, so your support in reaching this audience is greatly appreciated. Additionally, these Scholars will be asked, but not required, to request a letter of recommendation from a faculty or other relevant professional, so consider this an opportunity to offer support.

Finally, to provide these mentor–mentee relationship opportunities, we are asking I-O faculty and practitioners to apply to be a research mentor for these Scholars.

The applications will be open until January 7, 2024.

More information about the SIOP Diversifying I-O Psychology Program can be found on the SIOP website.

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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion