Register now for Battling Burnout in 2022: What Can Organizations Do Beyond Encouraging Self-Care?, the second installment of the SIOP Work Smart Series: Content + Connection.

The session, which features award-winning author, psychologist, and board-certified leadership coach Dr. Jacinta Jiménez, will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST February 17.

Burnout, described by Jiménez as “the erosion of the human soul,” surrounds us as we enter the third year of living and working through a pandemic. Yet burnout is not inevitable. We invite people leaders, I-O and HR practitioners, and all who are interested in the science of work to join us for this uplifting session with Jiménez, author of the award-winning book The Burnout Fix.

The first half of the session will be an interactive fireside chat with Jiménez exploring:

  • Benevolent organizational and leadership practices that reduce the burden on employees to combat burnout
  • Leaders’ responsibility to establish conditions that foster and encourage resilience
  • Critical differences between psychological safety and toxic positivity

For the second half of the session, attendees will join a cooperative learning space designed for deeper exploration of the conditions and leadership practices that promote agency, benevolence, and community. Focal practices include ensuring that workload, resources, and time constraints are feasible and honoring employees’ lives outside of work.

All registrants will also be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a free copy of Jiménez’s book, The Burnout Fix!

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Burnout, Events & Education, Webinars, Work Smart Series