The SIOP Consortia Committee has once again developed four exciting consortia as part of the 2022 SIOP Annual Conference. We have highlighted all four here in the Source—Master ConsortiumDoctoral Consortium, and Early Career Practitioner Consortium—concluding today with the Early Career Faculty Consortium (ECFC).

Early Career Faculty Consortium discussions will be virtual and conducted prior to the beginning of the 2022 SIOP Annual Conference:

Monday, April 11

  • Noon PDT – Teaching and Mentoring Tips and Tricks presented by Jose Cortina (Virginia Commonwealth University) and Talya Bauer (Portland State University)
  • 1:15 p.m. PDT – Funding & Data Collection Strategies presented by Eden King (Rice University), Elizabeth (Beth) Campbell (University of Minnesota), and Laura Little (University of Georgia)

Wednesday, April 13

  • 9 a.m. PDT – Generating New Research (joint session with Doctoral Consortium) presented by Derek Avery (University of Houston), Kristen Shockley (University of Georgia), and Louis Tay (Purdue University)
  • 10:15 a.m. PDT – Networking for Successful & Efficient Publishing presented by Klodiana Lanaj (University of Florida) and additional scholars TBD

Thursday, April 14
Q&A With Journal Editors (joint session with Doctoral Consortium)

  • 9 a.m. PDT – Session 1 with editors from Journal of Applied Psychology (Lillian Eby), Personnel Psychology (Berrin Erdogan), Organizational Research Methods (Lisa Lambert Schurer or Tine Koehler), and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (Maryam Kouchaki)
  • 10:15 a.m. PDT – Session 2 with editors from Academy of Management Journal (Laszlo Tihanyi), Academy of Management ReviewJournal of Management (Brian Connelly), and Journal of Organizational Behavior (Christian Resick)

Register for the consortium when you register for the conference.

You can learn more on the Consortia webpage or email Early Career Faculty Consortium Chairs Andrea Hetrick or Lauren Locklear with questions.

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