Calling All Doctoral Students: Attend the Lee Hakel Doctoral Consortium!

The SIOP Consortia Committee has once again developed four exciting consortia as part of the 2022 SIOP Annual Conference. We will highlight all four in the coming weeks, starting with the Doctoral Consortium.

The 2022 Lee Hakel Doctoral Consortium will be a high-quality and interactive experience featuring diverse panels of I-O professionals as they offer unique perspectives on the opportunities and challenges faced by both I-O practitioners and academics today.

Sessions will cover topics such as surviving the dissertation, navigating the job search, marketing yourself, generating new research ideas, life after obtaining your degree, and more! There will also be sessions tailored for those considering the applied and academic tracks. Attendees are welcome to participate in sessions from both tracks.

The consortium is scheduled to take place virtually over 2 weeks leading up to the SIOP Annual Conference (April 11–April 22). Sessions will include panel discussions and breakout sections to help you network with panelists and other students. The consortium will culminate in an in-person social event in Seattle on Wednesday, April 27, which will allow attendees and panelists to connect leading into the conference.

Each doctoral program can nominate up to two student representatives. Students must have passed comprehensive exams (or their program’s equivalent) to be eligible to attend. If you are interested, be sure to let your program chair know and work with them to fill out this form!

Learn more on the Consortia webpage.

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