The SIOP Career and Professional Development for Practitioners Committee is proud to announce four exciting opportunities for practitioners to engage in career and/or professional development as part of the 2022 SIOP Annual Conference.
This article will focus on Natural Language Processing Advanced Professional Development, an advanced program using Python for people analytics. Last month, we shared information about Speed Mentoring and Career Growth Exploration.
The Natural Language Processing development series, which is designed for SIOP members who have a strong quantitative background and programming experience, will be held over four, half-day modules March 29, April 5, April 12, and April 19.
Attendees will gain:
- An overview of the history and potential of future NLP
- NLP and data science insights and techniques from leading People Analytics Experts
- Method and best practices for working with text-based HR data
- Detailed explanations and walkthroughs of state-of-the-art machines and deep learning techniques to improve their NLP skillset
Presenters include Nick Koenig, principal data scientist at Modern Hire; Daniel Schmerling, head of HR Data Science in the Chief Data Office at Prudential, and guest speaker Scott Tonidandel, professor of Management at UNC Charlotte Belk College of Business.
See more details about Natural Language Processing Advanced Professional Development.
Spots for this event will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. You can sign up for this event through March 29, 2022.
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