The SIOP Career and Professional Development for Practitioners Committee is proud to announce four exciting opportunities for practitioners to engage in career and/or professional development as part of the 2022 SIOP Annual Conference.

Earlier this month, we shared information about Speed Mentoring. This article will focus on Career Growth Exploration, a virtual networking opportunity for mid-career practitioners (at least 5 years post-MA/PhD).

Career Growth Exploration will feature two, 30-minute, facilitated discussions with experienced practitioners working in organizations, external consulting, sole practice, teaching, and volunteer positions.

Attendees will:

  • Receive insights into viable I-O practitioner career paths and risks associated with each
  • Receive support in making viable career transitions
  • Explore the competencies required for successfully working in various I-O roles and work settings
  • Benefit from networking opportunities especially related to career growth options

Register for Career Growth Exploration when you register for the conference. Watch for this page, where you’ll be able to view details and provide important pre-event information.

Spots for this event will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. You can sign up for this event through April 1, 2022.

Additional practitioner development events will be featured in future issues of the Source. You can learn more about Career Growth Exploration and other practitioner development events here.

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