Are you interested in showcasing your work for Division 14 at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Convention? Submit a proposal now!
The APA is accepting proposals for skill-building sessions, symposia, critical conversations, data blitz, and posters (in-person and virtual). Session type descriptions are here.
The APA convention has a broad theme of health and therefore especially encourages posters and sessions related to health—including promotion of individual and organizational well-being as well as avoidance of harm. However, all I-O-related content is of interest, and submissions related to any I-O topic are encouraged.
The convention will be in Washington, DC, August 3–5, 2023. There is also an option for virtual poster presentations.
The deadline for submissions is January 10, 2023 at 5 p.m. ET.
To begin, visit
The APA is also looking for reviewers. If you are willing to serve as a reviewer for the 2023 APA convention, please complete the brief survey below. Typically, reviewers will read and comment on 3–4 brief proposals. Reviewing will happen in mid-January 2023.
We know that reviewing takes time, and we very much appreciate your efforts!
Please sign up to be a reviewer here:
If you have any questions, please email Alyssa McGonagle
Post Type
Allied Organizations, APA (American Psychological Association), Employee Health, Membership